Memory Nine

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When Drew was in college things were good. Until they weren't. I should've known it would happen. I was so young and naive to think that there would be no bumps in the road. That things wouldn't get hard. But I believed that since we fell in love, we would just always be that way. I thought we were already at the end of the book, that this was the start of our happily ever after but really it was just the end of book one and our life would become a series.
When Drew first arrived to college, he called me everyday but the more friends he made, the less I started to hear from him. I realized I was calling him more than he was calling me. And that was just the beginning.

The first time I realized Drew was cheating on me was the night of homecoming my junior year. My long brown hair was curled down my back and I wore a tight fitted long rose colored dress. I'd gotten my makeup professionally done for the first time and I looked gorgeous. The person that I really wanted to see me wasn't even in town so I FaceTimed him.

The phone rang longer than usual but then he finally answered.

"Hey Sky," he said into the camera but he sounded distracted.

"Hey, wanna see my dress?" I asked smiling into the camera. He looked at me like I was the most gorgeous person in the world yet something was still off. I propped my phone up on the table and then stepped away from it. Far enough to where you could see my entire body. He looked at me and smiled.

"You look great," he said genuinely. I picked my phone up and grinned.

"Thank you."

Then that's when I saw her walk up behind him.

"Drew who are you--" was all I heard before he hung up the phone. In the two seconds that she was on the screen, I noticed a few things. She was basically perfect. Though half naked, she had perfect features. The next thing I noticed was that she wore Drew's high school football shirt. It wasn't hard to imagine what she was doing in his dorm room at 7:00PM. I fought the urge to cry as I tossed my phone onto the island in the kitchen and ran up to my room.

I looked in the mirror at myself. Drew was not gonna ruin my night. He was miles away for a reason and I was here. I was 16 and I was beautiful and I deserved more. So I forced my tears away and I went to homecoming with my best friend Amber. He called me about a million times that night and I ignored every one. Eventually I would pick up his call but not that night. That night was just for fun. I couldn't blame Drew for what he had done. I was after three years younger and not sexually active. He had needs but he could have broken things off with me before instead of hoping I'd never find out. But that's the thing about boys. They want their way but they also want to keep their girl. This was just the first of many things that led to our first breakup.

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