My First Time

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I woke up in the morning feeling different. Drew was still asleep next to me and I didn't want to disturb him so I quietly left my room and went into the bathroom across the hall. I felt weird. Opened up. I examined my body in the mirror as if it would suddenly change. I looked the same. My face looked gross. I still had yesterday's makeup on. I'd fallen asleep before I could take it off.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth before heading downstairs into the kitchen. Joseph was already in there sitting at the island with a bowl of Captain Crunch. I tried to act as natural as possible. If you don't say anything, he won't know. I said to myself.

"What's wrong with you?" Joseph asked eyeing me and my obviously weird behavior.
"Nothing I'm just still tired."
"Mom and dad called. They said they'll be home tonight." he informed me between chews.

Now I was gonna have to see my dad after sleeping with Drew the guy he forbid me from seeing 3 years ago. Maybe he would accept us being together. I knew this was a lie. My dad was always overprotective when it came to me. His youngest child, his little girl.

Suddenly I wasn't hungry anymore. I went back into my room and stared at Drew for a moment he was still sleeping peacefully as if he hadn't slept in days. I wanted him to stay that way because I didn't want him to go. If I could I would follow him everywhere.

I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and texted Amber to let her know I finally lost it. My phone was ringing literally 30 seconds later. I ran from my room and into the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

"You finally let Mason deflower you?!?!" she yelled as soon as I answered the phone. No hello or how are you just got straight to it. Classic Amber.
"Not exactly..." I replied awkwardly.
"What do you mean? Who was it then?" she was definitely intrigued now. She knew I would never have a random hook up.
"Drew." I confessed.

She screeched loudly causing me to pull the phone away from my ear. I felt like we were in middle school all over again.

"How was it?" she asked concerned.
"It was amazing!!!! Like he literally was so patient and caring the whole time. I wasn't even nervous." I usually felt so nervous about letting anyone see my body but I never for more relaxed than I had with Drew.

"You love him." she stated.
"Shut up."
"Just make sure you invite me to the wedding. I gotta go to brunch with my mom. I'll call you later so you can tell me how the hell this happened. Love you b-tch."

I ended the call and looked at myself once more in the mirror. I wonder what twelve year old me would think. Back then I never thought Drew would see me as anything more than his best friends little sister now we had slept together. I slept with my first love.

No matter what he was always gonna be my first. My first love. My first time. The thought of it literally scared me but also brought me the upmost comfort. I was lucky. My first was with a guy I'd known my whole life and not some asshole.

I was literally floating on a cloud. Little did I know what was to come.

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