Memory Four

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When I was six and the guys were nine, they went through a phase where they LOVED watching scary movies. I hated scary movies because I always had bad dreams after watching one but one night the guys tricked me into watching one. I was in my room playing with my dolls when they came in.

“Sky, you want to watch a movie with us?” Joseph had asked. I was actually kind of shocked he asked me to watch anything with him and Drew. “Sure!” I agreed overly excited. I put my Barbies away and went down stairs into the den to watch. The guys had popcorn, blankets, sodas, and everything already there. The lights were dimmed. And when the movie began, it wasn't scary. A girl and her boyfriend were walking in the park, holding hands, and they were having a good time. Kissing, talking. This confused me. Was this a chick flick? Why would Joseph and Drew want to watch this? And then it happened... The girl's boyfriend went to use the nearby port-a-potty and as his girlfriend lie on their blanket, staring at the stars, a figure came out of the trees. "Is that you Andrew?" she asked. But it wasn't. The figure in the hood revealed a knife, and murdered the girl. I was scared, but it was too interesting not to watch and the guys would make fun of me if I got scared and left so I didn't. And boy did I regret it.

After the movie was over, I was completely freaked out. The murderer had gotten away. "C'mon Drew, let's go up to my room and play uno." Joseph suggested. They both got up casually as if they hadn't just watched a scary movie.

"Don't leave me down here!" I begged.

"Sky, you're not scared are you?" Joseph asked, a smile on his face.

"No," But I was.

My dad had come home after that. "Sky, shouldn't you be in bed?" It was 10 at night and at the age of 6, I was usually sleep at 8. But I couldn't sleep. I was scared and my room was so dark. I didnt want the serial killer from the movie to get me. And even though I knew he really didn't exist, I wasn't taking any chances. "I watched a scary movie," I confessed to him. My dad had never been a softie so he just patted me on the back.

"Sky if you're so scared of scary movies, why would you watch one? I hope you've learned your lesson. Now go to bed honey." When my dad said stuff, he meant it. So I obeyed and went into my room.

The next morning, my sheets were wet. I'd wet the bed that night because I was too scared to walk down the dark hallway to the bathroom. I was scared. I hadn't wet myself since I was a toddler and my mother wasn't even home. How would I tell my dad I peed on myself? I didn't have to. He came into the room and saw and I broke into tears. I expected him to be mad. But he wasn't. He sent me into the bathroom to clean up and take a bath and when I came into my bedroom all nice and clean, my covers had been replaced with clean ones. I found out later that he'd made Joseph wash them for making me watch the movie. He took me out for ice cream after that. It was one of the few times I'd ever been alone with my father. Just me and him. When we returned home, I found a teddy bear propped on my pillow. It was light brown and had a hershey's kiss stiched into it's back. I named it Sir Chocolate.

That same night, my father came into my room and sat on my bed. "Do you like him?" he asked. I nodded. "Good because he has a purpose." my dad informed me. "He's going to protect you at night from all the scary things you could possibly think of. He's your protection. Whenever this bear is around, nothing can hurt you."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yep. Goodnight honey." he said kissing my forehead. I slept with Sir Chocolate every night after that and I was no longer scared of the dark. It was all a mind thing but my dad had convinced me that that bear alone could protect me. So when Drew said that Mason was my Sir Chocolate, he was right. I loved Mason. And he protected me from something alright. He protected me from getting my heart broken by Drew again. And I liked it. I liked how he made me feel safe.

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