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After crying for hours, I get out of bed to go to the bathroom. My face feels sticky with dried tears and my hair is sticking to my face. I feel empty inside, but mostly I feel guilty. Guilty for wasting Mason's time and guilty because all I wanted to do was see Drew.

        I grabbed my keys and before I knew it, I was heading to my car. I had to see him immediately.

        I can't lie, I felt relieved that I no longer had to play with anyone's feelings and I knew if I didn't at least try again with Drew I'd regret it. I needed to see where this thing could go.

      As I drove down the freeway to Drew's house I realized I was nervous. Why? I know he loves me and I love him but admitting it again just felt difficult. I pulled into the driveway and hopped out of the car. There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway along with his mom's which I recognized. The door was already open but no one was in the living room. I'd been over numerous times though and knew exactly where Drew would be.

I trotted down the steps to his room that was located in the basement. He moved down there when him and Joesph were juniors in high school because he need "privacy." Really it was so they could sneak girls in since his parents weren't as easy going as ours. The door to his room was closed once I reached it. Before I could even open it, the knob twisted from the other side.

When it opened, I was surprised to see a girl standing there.

"Hey," she said casually before walking past me. Drew stood in his room staring at me in shock. I knew things hadn't changed but yet I hoped.
"Sky, it's not what it looks like." he responds.
"Really because from here it looks like you has someone over."
"Sky you have a boyfriend." he reminds me.
"NOT ANYMORE. I broke up with him and i was coming to tell you that I wanted to be with you."
"Really?" he looks even more shocked.

"I promise nothing happened. I just thought you were over me Sky." he confessed.
"I can't get over you." I admit walking over to him.

With each step, I was less and less upset with him. When I finally reached him, I had to tilt my chin up to look him in the eyes.

"I wish we never broke up." he confesses.
"I never loved anyone how I love you Sky."

He leans down and presses his lips against mine and I kiss him back. Everything was right again. I wasn't even going to ask him who she was. I know Drew. I trust him and honestly at that point I didn't care.

He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him still kissing him and we fall onto the bed. How could I have ever thought I loved Mason?

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