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The next morning I woke up to find that Drew was gone. I could smell breakfast being cooked down stairs. I threw the covers off of me and trotted down the steps expecting to find him in the kitchen cooking but instead I see my boyfriend Mason flipping pancakes. He smiles at me. I'm a little disappointed that it's not Drew and the thought makes me uneasy.

"Hey babe," he said smiling at me. He sits the spatula down and walks over and kisses me. He runs his fingers through my hair.

"How'd you get in here?!" I wondered aloud.

"Your bro let me in. I figured I could make you breakfast and then we could go for a walk." he explained before pulling me to the table and making me a plate. I had to admit, he was a really great cook. I barely had time to talk because my mouth was constantly filled with food. After we ate, I washed dishes after he kept insisting he would but I wouldnt let him. "Let me shower and then we'll go." I say.

"Sky, you smell fine. Just throw a pair of jeans and a tee on. You'll still be just as beautiful."

"Lol not happening. I'll be down in 20. Go watch TV or talk to Jo or something while you wait."

I hurry up the stairs grabbing the sun dressed I'd bought from the mall but had yet to wear, under clothes, my deodorant, and a pair of sandals and headed for the bathroom. I grabbed a towel out of the closet and then turned the hot water on getting undressed. How could I be disappointed that he came to see me? Mason was one of the sweetest guys I'd ever met and I was disappointed that he wasnt Drew? A guy that had repeatedly broke my heart? The only solution for my reaction was that I still loved Drew, but I couldn't let myself believe this was true. I got into the shower letting the hot water fall onto my body rushing to get out while also making sure I got clean. Five minutes later just as I was getting out, I heard a voice. I shut the water off and stood there naked in the bathroom straining to hear. "Yeah, I'll come over right now. I really missed you Jenny. I'm glad you've gotten over the incident that happened. I hope things can go back to how they used to be." I hear the voice saying. It's Drew. He's quiet for a moment most likely listening to what this "Jenny" is saying to him. "

"Ok, I'll be over. No-- You don't have to put any clothes on. Don't cover it up! I've already seen you! Okay, bye."

What the hell? He was just saying he was in love with me and now he was going to get some morning sex from some girl named Jenny?! I was jealous. I could feel my face getting hot. But why was I mad? Drew wasn't aloud to date other girls, f*u*c*k other girls but I was?

I dried myself off before putting my clothes on and going to see what Mason was up to. He was sitting on the couch watching Disney Channel which caused me to giggle. "What's so funny?" he wanted to know.

"You watch Disney Channel?"

"Yeah, Starstruck is a good a*s*s movie!" he said smirking. "No, but my niece watches it a lot so I'm used to it. You ready to go?" he wants to know. I nod and he grabs my hand. I try to act happy but I can't get what Drew said out of my head.

We're walking down the street just holding hands and talking when Mason finally asks, "So what happened between you and that guy?" he didn't have to say his name. I knew exactly who he's talking about.

"Can we not talk about this?" I beg.

"Please Sky, just tell me. I want to know."

"Distance. That's what happened. We let distance ruin us."

"So you're saying that if he never would've went away to college, you guys would still be together?"


"Sky, do you still have feelings for this guy?"

"No..." It sounds like a lie to my own ears.

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