My Car, I Drive

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        I stayed out all night with Mason so the next morning when Joseph was tapping me, I wasn't too happy. I looked at my alarm clock. It was 10am and I had had less than 5 hours of sleep. Joseph didn't know about Mason. It's crazy with us being brother and sister that I wouldn't tell him about my boyfriend of 2 years, but if I tell Joseph, Joseph will tell Drew and somehow I wasn't ready for him to know. At least not yet.

” What the hell Jo?” I say annoyed. I sit up rubbing my eyes.

” Someone's a little pissy this morning,” he says teasingly. ” Drew's back in town. He wants me to meet him at Randy's. I thought you might want to come.”

” Well you thought wrong.” I said putting a pillow over my head.

” C'mon Sky, I don't care if you guys like each other. You're my sister and he's my best friend. I mean at least I know you're with him and not some jerk.”

” Joseph, its been three years! I don't feel the same way I used to about him.”

” Even better! Now get your ass out of bed and come with me. Please!”

How bad could one car ride with Drew be? I slid lazily out of bed and followed Joseph out to my car. Joseph's car was in Missouri and since he wasn't old enough to rent cars, he was out of luck. I'd gotten this Accord for my 16th birthday and still felt proud of it.

” Oh hell no, my car. I'm driving.” I say snatching my keys from him. He laughs getting in the passenger seat. It feels good to be driving him around instead of the other way around. I no longer felt like a little kid anymore.

” So how's Amber?” He wants to know. I turn the corner and glance at him.

” She's good. Same old Amber. She's in Florida though for her last vacation with her parents as a teenager. You know how dramatic she can be.” Joseph nods obviously agreeing. ”Wait, why do you wanna know?”

” Chill Sky, I'm not interested in her swear!”

” Whatever....” I say pretending not to believe him.

    We reach Randy's in no time. He's sitting on the porch using his cell phone. When he sees us get out of the car, he rushes to Joseph and gives him a bear hug. ” Joseph, my man!” he says in the way guys do when they see old friends.

” Ran Man, I missed you!” Joseph says hugging him back. I just stand there wondering where the heck Drew was. They break away from each other and I finally get a good look at Randy. Even though he didn't go away for college, I still hadn't seen him a year or two... He looked the same, but as Joseph looked older so did he. He never kept good grades so he ended up enrolling in community college. He still lives with his mother, but at least he wasn't a mama's boy.

” Where's Drew?” Joseph finally asked.

” Somewhere, inside...” Randy tells him.

We find Drew sprawled on the couch asleep.  I can see the rising and falling of his chest. It reminds me of the last time I came to Randy's house... Only things are different now. Drew and I are no longer an item and he looked different. He looked exactly the same as when I last saw him, only better. His hair is a bit shorter and he's buffer. I can see his pack through the white t-shirt he's wearing. His hands look so strong resting at his side. I have flashback of us in the car three years ago. How his hands felt on my waist. Stop it Sky, I say to myself. You're Mason's girl now.

” DREW, GET YOUR ASS UP NOW! We have visitors...” Randy yells. I jump. Drew rubs his eyes and looks up. He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me for what seems like forever. My heart melts.

” Drew man, are you awake?” Joseph asks. Drew's eyes snap to Joseph and he smiles. They greet each other while I just stand there in the moment. And when Drew hugs me and whispers ”Sky” into my ear, I almost forget that I have a boyfriend...

My First LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang