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The next week went by quickly. I didn't see much of Drew, but I saw a lot of Mason and I was okay with that but I couldn't shake the feeling that he was avoiding me. I'd heard him come in last night super late and pretended to be asleep when he walked past my bedroom door. He had a new girlfriend, I was sure of it. I don't know why I cared, but I did. But what I didn't understand was why was Drew trying to hide her from me?

Mason had been being around me more lately because of Drew because even though I told him that I didn't like Drew, he just didn't feel comfortable with me being around him. It was cute how protective he was over me. I woke up later on that night on the couch to find that Mason was gone. I was kind of relieved to have a moment to myself. I sat up startled to see Jospeh watching TV on the other couch. "Hey ugly, where's your clingy ass boyfriend?" he wants to know.

"He left I guess... And he is not clingy!" I say.

"You're right. He's more like a guard dog."

"Joseph, shut up!"

"I think he's scared Drew is going to steal you away. If I was him I would be too."


"I don't know Sky. You and Drew just have a connection. It's like now that I know about you guys dating I can see what I didn't see before. You say you're over him but you're not. All I know is I better not catch you guys f*u*c*k*i*n*g or I'll kill him and then stab my eyes out."

"Joseph, gross! I'm a virgin."

"Yeah you don't have to lie me. I'd just rather not hear about your sex life thank you!"

He changes the channel and grabs some chips out of the bowl on the table. "Where's Drew been lately anyway?" I try to ask casually. Joseph glares me.

"I don't keep tabs on him." he replies simply. "But he was talking to some girl named Jenny last night. Go ahead, be jealous. I won't tell Mason."

"I don't even care Joseph." He laughs.

"F*u*c*k you. If I still wanted Drew, I could easily have him." I state.

"Someone's a little cocky..."

"I have reason to be."

Joseph just rolls his eyes. "Hey, can I borrow your car?" he wants to know.

"Uh, no!"

"C'mon, Ren wants me to meet her at this bar."

"You're still talking to that girl from the party?" I'm shocked.

"For now anyway..."

"UGH! I guess but don't be out too late. I really don't wanna be here alone."

"If I take too long, you can have your f*a*g of a boyfriend pick you up."

"Shut up!" I say tossing the keys at his head. He blows me a kiss before leaving.

I decided to call Amber because I miss her. She answers on the third ring. "SKY!" she screams into the phone. "I thought you'd never call me!"

"Well the phone works both ways, you could've called me." I reply.

"Yeah but I always call you. I wanted you to call me. How are things with you and May-May?" May-May was Amber's name for Mason. She was the only person who called him that and that he allowed to call him that without getting pissed.

"It's going good. Guess who's here?"


"Drew." She screams again.

"OMG, WTF?! For how long? When? Did you rip his clothes off? Did you guys like f*u*c*k? What did he say? What did he do? What did Mason say?"

"Amber chill. Nothing happened. Mason just doesn't like him. I think he's jealous."

"Oh my gosh! Maybe I shouldn't have left town. I'm missing all the drama!"

"How are things in Florida?"

"The usual. I'm having a blast and I hooked up with this Latin boy last night! He was hot!"

Junior year, Amber lost her virginity to Eric Michaels leaving me alone in the virgin club. Since then she's seemed so much more mature than me. She even hooked up with Randy. Something I never imagined her doing.

"Oh my gosh Am! You are too hot to handle!"

"Well my ride's here to pick me up. I'm going out with this guy named Samuel. I'll text you later."

"Okay, bye Amber!" I end the call and stand up. I'm bored. Usually I'd be out at some party or hanging out on a Saturday night and if not that, I'd be sleep but since I'd already taken a nap I wasn't tired. I wondered where Mason had gone but I decided not to call him because I was sort of tired of him clinging on to me. I hated to admit but what Joseph had said was kind of right. Every since he found out Drew and I had dated, he's been on me like white on rice.I hated that because before Drew came back, Mason was perfect to me. Perfect for me.

I was in the kitchen pouring myself milk to eat with my Oreos when I heard him come in. Drew. He closed the door behind himself and I came out of the kitchen carrying my late night snack. He just stared at me.

"Hey," I say to make things less awkward.

"Where's your boyfriend? Shouldn't you be out with him?" he wants to know.

"Um, no. I can stay in if I want. Why do you even care?"

"I was just asking..."

"So where have you been all week?"

"Why do YOU care?"


"I've just been hanging with a friend." A friend who you're dating, I think to myself but don't say aloud. We don't say anything after that but somehow we end up watching a movie together. We sit on separate couches and I munch on my cookies and milk while he focuses on the screen looking down only to reply to text messages.

"So how's college?" I ask when a commercial break comes on. "Did you decide what you're majoring in? I remember you saying you wanted to be a doctor."

"Yeah that's the plan. Only four more years of school."

"That's great." It's quiet again. I don't know what else to say so I grab my empty cup and the package of oreos and take them into the kitchen. I put the cup in the sink and put the oreos back into the cabinet. I turn around and Drew's there.

"Remember the Williams next door?" he says. I nod. I know exactly what he's talking about. "Let's do it," I say before rushing upstairs.

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