Memory Six

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When the guys were 15 and I was 12, the Williams next door had gotten a new really big pool in their backyard. They were an old couple though so we couldn't imagine why they would be interested in having one. We usually went to the beach to swim but that day, the tide was really hard and it was too dangerous to go in.

I was sitting on the couch in my PJs when Drew plopped down next to me. "So, me and Joseph have this cool idea. You in?" he said.

"Depends on what it is. Can I get arrested, grounded?" I asked.


"What are you talking about?"

"Let's go for a swim next door."

"You mean in the Williams pool?!"

"Where else?"

"I don't know..."

"They're old, what are they going to do?"

"I don't know, call the cops?"


"Am not!"

"Yes you are."

"Stop acting like Joseph!"

"Stop being a chicken then."

I rolled my eyes. Seconds later Joseph came downstairs in his swim trunks and a hoodie. "Convinced her yet?" he wants to know. Drew just looks at him.

"C'mon Sky! Stop being a loser all your life. We're gonna look back on this one day and be all like, 'Yeah, that was so fun! Good times!' Don't you want to be able to do that?" Joseph said convincingly.

"If I go, will you shut up?"


"Okay. Let me get my swimsuit."

I stalk up the steps and come back down in my 2 piece and shorts feeling naked. "Let's go,"

It's dark outside. We sneak out the back door and get to where their fence is. I just stand there.

"Sky, what the f*ck are you waiting for? Jump!" Joseph says behind me.

I jump over and wait for them on the other side.

Joseph is the last to jump over. I just stand there looking at them.

"What are you waiting for sh*thead?" Joseph says.

"You guys jump in first." I offer. Joseph rolls his eyes.

"Does it matter who jumps in first? C'mon before we get caught." Drew says annoyed.

I awkwardly pull of my shorts feeling like I'm undressing in front of them.

"What did I tell you about 2 pieces Sky?"

"Mom said it's okay."

"It's not okay Sky. Only hot girls get to wear swimming suits like that. When you wear them it's just gross." I tried not to let it hurt my feelings because he was my brother and he wasn't supposed to be attracted to me but it still hurt for him to think of me as gross. Especially when Drew was standing right next to me in ear shot.

"C'mon guys let's not start this tonight. We came here to swim. Let's do it and do it quietly."

"Okay, that's exactly what we're going to do." I said fighting back tears. I don't know if it was because I was mad or what but next thing I know, I'm pushing Joseph into the pool. He lands making a loud splash and comes up choking and gasping for air.

"Sky, I'm going to KILL you!" he said his face red. He grabbed my leg pulling me in with him and dunked my head under the water. The next thing I know, we're wrestling in the water. Drew jumps in trying to break it up. He pries us apart and holds me tight so I won't hit Joseph again. I'm kicking the whole time. "Chill Sky! What did he even do?" Drew says his breath hot in my ear. I don't want to repeat what he said about the swim suit. I just shake my head fighting back tears realizing I'm about to cry over something stupid. "I'm going in," is all I say which ended up being the right choice because moments after that, lights flicker on at the Williams house and someone peeked out of the window and saw us. A dog starts barking. "RUN!!!!" Joseph screams. We climb out of the water grabbing our hoodies and shorts and dash to the gate. "JUMP! You're skinny, I know you can move faster than this," Joseph complained.

I jumped over and scraped my thigh against the fence. It stung instantly and I feel liquid leaking down my leg. It's warm and thicker than water. I kept running to the house though. Not looking back.

When we got inside, Joseph started laughing. "That was epic!" he said. I had almost forgotten about my thigh until Drew said, "Sky, you're bleeding!" I look down at the wound. IThe blood is leaking on the floor. "I'm okay," is all I say. Joseph rolls his eyes. "I'm going to go call those twins I met at the pier earlier. The first aid is in the bathroom Sky," is all he says before leaving.

I'm freezing in my swimming suit. I grab the kit from the bathroom, toss on my hoodie and head out to the porch. I'm sitting there wiping the blood off my thigh when Drew sits down next to me. "Let me do it," he says. And I do. When he's finished he stands up and looks at me, "Don't let Joseph get to you. Or make you feel like you're ugly. You're not Sky," he said before going back inside. I sit there for the longest trying to figure why he said what he said. Did he think I was pretty?

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