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[Sol 14]|

When he was younger, Jisung always loved to play amongst the fronds of vegetables and fruits in his mother's little garden.

The plants were fascinating to him. Fascinating then, and fascinating now.

Standing up from his nap, or rather, rolling out of bed clumsily, Jisung practically ran to the boxes of food storage on the opposite wall.

Searching through the plastic tubs, Jisung finally found what he was so eager to get to.

The potatoes that were supposed to be all three of theirs. A special treat for Thanksgiving, packed in a vacuum sealed bag and given to them by their lovely mission manager. He seemed to have a special soft spot for them, or at least, Changbin.

What was Jisung going to do with a measly bag of potatoes?

Thing was, Jisung was an actual genius. He just never felt the need to show it.
That often, anyway.

Clutching them in the crook of his arm, Jisung made his way to the desk he'd been seated at merely hours prior. Pressing the small, green record button, Jisung began speaking once again.

“So I am now attempting a thing.”

He smiled at the lame attempt at humor and set down the potatoes, hoping that the camera wouldn't pick up on his tear stains from earlier.

Grabbing a small notepad from atop the desk, he started scribbling furiously. “These should be able to grow if I just- hmm yes! Yes. That could work!” He jumped up and away from the seat in excitement, amazed that his brain could work something like that out. Amazed that maybe there was a way to farm on Mars.

Then he realized what he would have to do to make it happen.

Looking in the direction of the toilet, Jisung groaned and ran his hands through his messy locks. Sighing, he trudged back to the camera.

“Components needed for growth include but are not limited to: soil, water, and sunlight. On this barren wasteland of a planet, good soil is a bit hard to come by. Luckily and unluckily for me, my own shit has plenty of nutrients.” He grimaced.

Do what you must to survive, right?

And manure was a common fertilizer back home as well.


How long until this awful place became his home? Months? Years? Assuming he even lived that long in the first place.

Shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts, Jisung instead focused on the math.

He'd need a lot of water.

And, thankfully, he knew how to make it.
Guess elite chemistry wasn't a complete waste of time, if it managed to save his life, that is.

“It'd probably be wise to start on the garden now. Right, well, see you next time on Jisung's lonely boredom survival show, thanks for tuning in.”

He could feel his ‘happy’ smile fall as soon as the little black cam stopped recording.

Spinning the chair around slowly, he stood up and heaved a breath.

“You can do this Jisung. You can.”

And so he got to work, building a makeshift greenhouse in the middle of the HAB. It was amazing what one could do with numerous clear plastic tarps and duct tape.

All was going smoothly.

Or at least it was, before Jisung passed out.


If you dudes need a visual description of what these video things probably look like...well you know Tadashi from Big Hero 6? Kinda like what he did

By now, you probably already know that I want feedback, so just...yeah


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