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[Sol 12.... Again.]


The boy, pale and tiny against the churning storm surrounding him, didn't stand a chance by himself.


Changbin yelled, as he repeatedly tapped his comms. He had to reach Jisung somehow.

Frantic, he looked up at Chan.

"We've gotta search for him, hyung. He can't be that far."

Just as the elder was about to answer, a warning alarm sounded from the tablet, still residing in his hands.

Glancing down at it, Chan's eyes widened.
He pulled Changbin up and started shoving him in front, trying to get him to move faster.

"Hyung!" Changbin shouted. Chan winced as the voice echoed around his helmet. "We're going the wrong way! Didn't you see him go that direction?"

Chan gulped and looked Changbin in the eyes solemnly.

"We're not going to find Jisung, Changbin."

The latter spluttered, stumbling over his words to find an answer. Chan had resumed his half pulling, half pushing of the younger, picking up the pace.

"But why not?" The shorter finally managed to get out.

"That alert I got....the rocket, y'know the one we came here on? The storm conditions seem to have unbalanced it, and if we don't get to it soon, it'll fall over. If it falls over, we're never leaving. Jisung is not answering his comms and is in the opposite direction of where we need to be, so it's either one of us dies or all of us do. If we all die, NASA gets no information. So, Changbin. What do you suggest we do?"

Chan's voice sounded emotionless, dead inside.
That was something he did whenever he didn't want people to know his true feelings.
Whenever he had to be a leader.

"I- we can't just leave him behind."

Changbin's answer was barely above a whisper.

Chan nodded, then proceeded to pick the smaller up, throwing him over his shoulder, sack-of-potato style, and carrying him on to the ship.

Running to the control room, Chan typed hurriedly, finally letting down the frenzied Changbin.

He ran towards an exit, but before he could get anywhere, they closed and locked themselves.

"I'm sorry, Changbin. I couldn't let you die."

The engines started up, roaring to life and clearing the clouds below for a second.

"But you could sacrifice Jisung?"

Changbin could've sworn he saw the younger's scared face out there, before he turned away and smothered his own face in his hands.

As they took off, watching Mars' surface grow smaller, Chan sank to the floor, leaning against the control panel.

"Oh god, what have I done."

Chan couldn't say that he jerked awake. He hadn't been asleep.

He hadn't slept at all, since his horrible decision to leave Jisung behind. It was haunting him, leaving him to question his every decision, driving him hate himself.

Changbin hadn't spoke to him- or even left his room since they'd left Mars' orbit. He blamed Chan. Blamed him for killing Jisung.

And he was right. Chan deserved his cold shoulder. He deserved so much worse.

He just killed his best friend, after all.

For the sake of useless research.

Rubbing the circles under his eyes, Chan sighed. Earlier that day, he had sent Earth a message, updating them of their, and Jisung's, situation.

A broadcast was supposed to go live in a few minutes on Earth, once they got the all clear from Jisung's mother, recognizing Jisung and all of his accomplishments and whatnot.

Chan thought that was bullshit.

He couldn't bare to think of Jisung's mother's reaction to that awful 'official' ceremony crap.

She would be heartbroken, yes. But she is, like Jisung was, very determined. She would likely want to know exactly what happened.

And Chan would give her answers.

As soon as he returned home, that is.


How you liking Chan's pov?

It's only gonna be for this one chapter....or is it??¿? you know what happened to the rest of 3Racha-

Or dO yOU????¿¿?

Ok I'll stop now.
Just, ALwaYs leave feedback-

Aight, byEe

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