twenty nine

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“Hey, Chan.”

Chan’s eyes widened, and, for a second, he thought that he'd misheard.
Changbin hadn't sought conversation with him in well over two months. Ever since he had chosen to save them over Jisung.

He would talk when necessary, but never, never would he try to initiate anything on a non professional level. Chan was beginning to think that this was the end of their friendship. And, to be honest, he was also beginning to think that he deserved it, and worse.


Blinking himself out of his daze, Chan looked at Changbin. He thought he saw concern flicker behind the depths of Changbin's eyes, but he might’ve been mistaken. After all, they were only colleagues now.

“Whatever, keep being weird then.”

“No, wait!” Chan's voice was hoarse from having not used it for at least four days. The only person that he could possibly talk to at the moment was resolutely avoiding him. “What'd you need?”

Changbin looked at him blankly, as if he wanted to be anywhere but there.
“So. Someone sent this message, but it's not letting me open it on my tablet. You're good with tech and stuff, so do you think you could-”

“Yes! I'll help!”
Chan inwardly cringed at the obvious desperation in his voice, but what could he do? He missed his friends. And so he reached out a helping hand.

Changbin hesitantly handed over his research tablet, as if he no longer trusted Chan with something else that important to him.

Once the piece of technology was in Chan's hands, however, the latter’s whole demeanor changed dramatically. He started tapping away, muttering to himself as he paced the room. Changbin watched his every move. He'd seen it happen before. Like the Chan that they all knew had been replaced with a robot one.

“So, turns out that it's not a message at all. Well, yeah, actually. It is. Just not the kind you were expecting.” Chan bit his lip in concentration.

Changbin's eyes hardened, and his voice came out icy.
“What do you mean?”

Chan looked up, unbothered. He locked his gaze with Changbin's before saying a few words.

“It's from Felix.”

Changbin rushed over at this, making to snatch the tablet away, but not before Chan held it up and out of his reach.

“Hey gimme it-”

“No.” Chan glared daggers at Changbin until he finally settled down enough to fold his arms and pout at the other.

“I should restate. It's not from Felix. It's from Mission Director Lee.”

Changbin scowled. “Same difference.”

Chan shook his head forcefully. “You misunderstand. It's a mission request from him. Wait, lemme just-”

He pressed a few buttons, and held the tablet up to a blank space on the wall. It projected the message, and Changbin gasped as he read the first few lines.

Hi guys, it's Felix.

Listen, this is going to be hard for you to hear, undoubtedly, but Jisung is alive.

NASA is not planning to do anything useful to save him, so it's up to you guys. Now, I have been forbidden from letting y'all know about this, but there's a chance that you can get to Jisung and bring him home.

It's called a Gravity Assist. Basically, you would not slow down when heading for Earth, and instead speed up. This would launch you around the Earth and give you enough thrust to make it to Mars. There, you can fly by and pick up Jisung on the way. It will be difficult and very taxing on you both, and I won't judge you if you decide to not go through with it.

It does mean staying in space for around eighteen more months. That's seventy-eight weeks; five hundred forty six days without other human contact.

If you choose to do this, keep in mind that you will have to continue to get along well (but not too well, okay? I still exist, Changbin, don't forget:) and NASA will have no choice but to help you in whatever you choose, until you get back safely.

I'm putting my job on the line by sending you this, and you are also risking your careers if you choose to do this.

I'll see you around.

Ps. I hope you make the right choice.

The two were stunned once they finished reading it over. Chan looking it over again, having already read it.

Changbin looked over to Chan, fire in his eyes. “We're doing this.”

The eldest sat down, weighing the decision.
“But I mean.. that's a long time. And we've both given so much in order for this to be our life. This. Being Astronauts. There's no way they'll ever let us back up here if we follow through with Lix’s plan.” He paused, and Changbin opened his mouth to argue. Chan held out a hand, setting the tablet on the nearest table.

“However, leaving Jisung behind was one of the worst mistakes I've ever made. And I don't know if I would be able to live with myself, knowing that there was something I could do to save him, and didn't do it.”

“Does that mean-”

“Yes,” Chan glanced over at Changbin, a smirk growing on his face. “Let's make this right.”


Double update, finally >:D


The Felix I sketched while procrastinating a few days ago :D)))

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The Felix I sketched while procrastinating a few days ago :D)))

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Sksksksks k' bye-
*Yeets self*

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