twenty six

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Oop- I never double updated, so here ya go


“So like, do crickets have mouths?”

Chan looked over to Jisung, who was spread out over the couch, tossing a tennis ball up in the air. “What on Earth, Sung?”

“Not me, haha, that's what.”

The leader gave him a squinty eyed look, also known as the supreme judging facial expression. “Are you high? Because we're on a spaceship, and I'm pretty sure that's illegal.”

Jisung sat up, elbow resting on the back of the couch for support. “Just depressed, not high. And I am affronted that you think I would do such a thing.” He gasped obnoxiously in mock offense before falling back down to the couch with a groan.

“Uh- mood.” Changbin joined the conversation, tapping away at Chan's computer from the kitchen counter. He adjusted his circular glasses, still focused on the task in front of him. “but it's not like you haven't been high before, so who knows?” he muttered offhandedly, earning another dramatic gasp from Jisung.

“Facts.” Chan nodded from his chair by the window, not even bothering to look up from his tablet.

“I'm hungry.” Jisung sat up straight, thought about it for a minute, and flopped back onto the couch. “No I'm not. Just bored. How much of this torture do we have left?”

Chan glanced up from his device, rolling his eyes. “Five months until we even get to Mars, Sung. Then a whole three months of exploration and new experiences! Doesn't that sound fun?”

Jisung sighed, turning over so that his face was smushed against the back of the couch. “Sure.” His reply was muffled, and Changbin snorted.

“You sound like Squidward. Rip Stephen Hillenburg, you will be missed.”

Chan scoffed. “There are still SpongeBob episodes running, I hope you know.”

“Too soon, Channie, too soon. They're not the same, and they never will be.”

“He died six years ago man, you need to get over it.”

Changbin gasped, swiveling his chair around to glare at Chan. “How dare you-”

“Y'all, shut up, for real you are giving me a headache.” Jisung stood up from the couch, both of the other's eyes now following him as he crossed the room and walked out.

Chan and Changbin shared a glance.
“Who's going after him?”

Jisung hadn't been acting like himself for a little over a month at that point, and it was starting to worry them. Changbin stood up, his gray hoodie shifting down as he moved.
“I got it, don't worry.” He shuffled out the door and after Jisung.

He didn't have to go far, however, as the caramel haired man could be found laying down near the end of the hallway. “Hey Jisung, you okay?”

The youngest raised his arm up, as though asking Changbin to come over and help him up. “Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't feel like standing anymore. Sorry.”

“What are you even apologising for?” Instead of lifting up Jisung, Changbin settled himself on the floor next to him.

Jisung sighed, staring up at the ceiling dismally. He did nothing to answer, leading Changbin to prompt him again in a softer voice. “Is this about what happened with Minho? What you won't tell us about?”

Another sigh. Changbin flashed a small smile. “Yknow, you have to give me something to work with, otherwise I don't know how to help you.”

“I don't deserve help.”

The elder hummed, maneuvering his body around so that he could lay on the floor right beside Jisung. He threw one of his arms over Jisung's body in a sort-of hug. “Yes you do. I don't know what you're going through right now, but I can be here for you. Chan is too. We'll help you get through this, don't worry.”

Down the hallway, Chan poked his head around the doorway, swearing that he heard his name being called. Changbin spotted him and gestured him over.

Once Chan realized what was going on, he immediately laid down on the other side of Jisung, also throwing an arm over him just like Changbin had done.

“Always find us, yeah? We're not gonna leave you behind.”


Okay, I am deeply sorry for putting that ^ in, but I had to :/

Unrelated, but-

No one:

Not a single soul:


Btw if you dont know, Stephen Hillenburg is the creator of SpongeBob, you heathens

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Btw if you dont know, Stephen Hillenburg is the creator of SpongeBob, you heathens

I'm out-

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