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“We regret to inform the public that astronaut Han Jisung of the craft IIIRacha, was lost during the most recent expedition to Mars. A storm approached out of nowhere while they were out collecting research. If Captain Bang Chan had not issued an immediate emergency evacuation when he did, all crew members would be dead. Speaking of crew, surviving members, Bang Chan and Seo Changbin, should be returning to Earth in a little under seven months. Our thoughts and prayers must go to the Han family, as well as the rest of the team, in this tragic time. We will keep you updated. In latest news-”

The young worker looked away from the small cafeteria television as the coffee machine beeped, signalling that his drink was about to be poured.

Sliding a mug under the spout with ease, Yang Jeongin looked back to the TV and frowned.

That poor man.

Shaking his head, he grabbed his coffee-filled mug and made his way hurriedly back to his desk.

They would be receiving a new satellite transmission soon, and his boss wanted everyone to be on the lookout. Just in case, by some miracle, they could grasp new information from some simple pictures.

As he sat down, the computer he was working at beeped. The transmission had been sent, as well as the coordinates that Jeongin was supposed to check.

Zooming in those same coordinates, he could tell something was off. Jeongin always was good at those 'spot the difference' games.

He compared it to the transmission from two weeks ago, right after most of IIIRacha had left.

The location he'd been given was actually where the HAB had been placed.

And in the second picture, it was way too bright and lit up to be abandoned.

Jeongin narrowed his eyes.

The solar panels in the second picture, the ones that were normally used to charge the rover on some missions, had been turned over.

Turned over and cleaned.

They were spotless.

He stared for another whole minute, convinced that he was seeing things.

No one was supposed to be on Mars. No one except IIIRacha, and they had left less than two whole weeks ago.

But...not all of IIIRacha had left Mars, afterall.

A thought was forming in the worker's mind. A too-good-to-be-true thought. One that would raise everyone's hopes way too high.

This could go one of two ways. Jeongin could report it to his overly attractive boss and likely make a fool out of himself.

Or he could ignore it and go about his day as though nothing had happened, possibly sealing the fate of one of NASA's newest and brightest astronauts.

He chewed his lip, still staring at the screen, before slowly moving his gaze to a little button on his left.

A button used to call Hwang Hyunjin, the assistant and protege of Mr. Kim, the director and coordinator of all Mars expeditions.

Hwang Hyunjin, who was also Jeongin's boss and could fire him with a single snap of those perfectly moisturized, but also simultaneously rough fingers.

Reaching out, he let his own finger graze over the surface of the small button.

With a wince, he pushed it.
End of career, meet Jeongin.

A few moments later, the fancy clacking of Mr. Hwang’s pristine black work shoes could be heard, approaching Jeongin from behind.

“Mr. Yang? You had a concern that you needed to consult me about? Or at least I'm assuming, because that's what the button is to be used for.”

Jeongin was a bit flustered and it took him a second to come up with an acceptable answer.

“Yes sir. You see, it's about the latest transmission from the Mars satellite to that I was asked to look over.”

Hyunjin nodded and moved closer, standing slightly to Jeongin's right. He motioned for the younger to continue.

“I was checking it, to see if anything wasn't how it should be, y'Know? And then I found this.” He brought up both of the tabs containing close ups of the HAB.

One showed the HAB being dull, no solar panels visible, covered completely in dust.

The other, more recent one, however, depicted something entirely different.

Mr. Hwang moved even closer, leaning on the desk slightly, gaping at the images displayed on the computer.

Jeongin scooched away a little bit, not liking how close he was to his boss.

A second later, the older man’s hand shot out and clapped him on the back.

Looking up at Mr. Hwang in confusion, Jeongin was met with his boss's handsome face mere inches from his own.

Well, more like ten inches away.

But it was still way too close for the younger, who could now feel a not-so-light blush spreading itself across his face.

To make matters worse, Mr. Hwang placed his soft-looking hands on either side of Jeongin's chair.

“Mr. Yang, do you know what you've just discovered??!”

Jeongin frantically shook his head, shrinking back into his chair.

A small smirk unfolded on Mr. Hwang's face as he stood up and away from the terrified looking boy, brushing himself off.

Straightening his tie, he said, still smiling, “You might've just found out the existance of one of our astronauts, one that we thought was dead. You might've just saved his life.”

With one last pat on the back, Mr. Hwang walked away, leaving a beyond flustered and confused Jeongin to try and decipher what just happened.



Bask in the Hyunin

Idk if I ever put their ages in here, but here we go:

Chan: 27
Changbin: 25
Jisung: 24
Hyunjin: 23
Jeongin: 21, going on 22

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