thirty seven

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Minho sighed.

Raising a hand slightly, he hesitated before knocking on the door.
“Jisung… are we going to do something today? It's… it's Christmas Eve.”

Nothing. No response.

Minho slumped against the door, letting his head rest against it. He didn't know what had happened.

Ever since the party last week, Jisung had been resolutely avoiding him.
Had he said something while drunk?
Did he do something wrong?

“Sorry, Minho. I have…. work. Yeah. Chan wants me to… read up on something.”

Minho wasn't dumb.

He was a Chemistry major- no, scratch that. He was well on his way to getting a Chemistry PhD.
Did Jisung really think he would fall for that? Was this an insult to his IQ?

Minho sank to the floor, pulling out his phone as he went.


Hey Chan lmao<
what'd you ask Jisung
to read

>Wtf why's he reading anything

>I literally told him to rest
and spend time with you

>And I wouldn't
even be giving him
anything anyway.

>Felix would do that.
He's our mission manager

Lol thanks<

>Why? All ok?

Minho released a sigh, throwing his phone down in frustration.

Why couldn't he maintain a good relationship?

Just as he stood up to face the door and knock again, it opened, revealing a horrible looking Jisung.

Dark eyebags practically glowed against his papery skin. Minho almost reached out to touch him, but held himself back. Instead he cleared his throat and moved back a step, in order to put some distance between them.
“Are- are you okay?”

“Yeah. What'd you want to do today then?” His voice was husky and deep, so unlike usual. Almost as if he had spent the last week that he'd been occupying the room either crying or just straight up growling.

“Uh you should stay home. You don't look okay. Are you sure you're okay??” Minho said, eyebrows furrowing in concern.

Jisung pushed past him. “Wow that's real nice, Minho.”

The elder hurried after him. “Well what am I supposed to say, Jisung?”

“Oh I don't know? Tell me where you want to go today, if you wanted to do something.”

“Um… well if you insist. I would like to go down to the nearest river. The,” he nudged Jisung. “Han River?”

“You know full well that we're not in Korea anymore.”
Jisung rolled his eyes, and it was almost like everything was okay between them again. The light atmosphere continued between them until they got to the closest river.

Having walked there in the cold of December, Minho's nose was running (as much as he tried to hide it, it was) and Jisung's cheeks were unbearably rosy, only adding to the holiday feel.

The two made their way down to the riverbed; Minho sat on the snow covered ground, only a foot away from the flowing current. Jisung stayed standing, his hands tucked safely in the confines of his warm jacket pocket. Neither of them spoke for a minute, wanting to just hold this moment forever.

Then Minho broke the silence. “Did you know that if you still like someone after four months, you're in love?” He said this without even turning his head to look at Jisung, but somehow still managed to make the younger's heart beat erratically.

“No. I- what do you mean?”

Minho still didn't turn his head. Rather, he leaned back and stretched out. “If that's true, then scientifically, I must have fallen in love with you at least two or three times.”

Jisung, now speechless, started tugging at his scarf. He was growing increasingly more uncomfortable with the situation, only because he knew that he shouldn't even be there at the moment. His plan was avoidance. This was not the plan.

“But, I know now.” Minho finally locked eyes with Jisung. “I know that it's a lie. Because I fall even more in love with you every. single. time. I look at you.”

The breath felt like it'd been knocked out of Jisung. He took a step towards Minho.

“So it's not fair. It's not fair that you don't give me the attention I deserve and I still can't stop loving you. Something's changed, Jisung. So what's wrong?”

“I-” Jisung took another step. “I don't really have an excuse. Except maybe,”
Another step.
“That I'm leaving. And that doesn't mean-”

He fell in the river.

Minho screamed. The river might not have been cold enough to freeze over, but it was definitely cold enough to freeze a human being. Thankfully, it wasn't too deep, and Jisung easily crawled out.

Although he was shaking and his lips had a prominent blue tinge, that didn't stop him from laughing. He laughed at himself. He laughed at the situation. He laughed at the fact that if he hadn't conveniently fallen in the water at the time he did, he would've ruined his plan completely.

Even as Minho wrapped him up in his own coat, Jisung couldn't shake the feeling of coldness that settled in his heart.

He had to do this.


I don't know the first thing about PhD's so please don't come @ me for that.

My friend suggested that I add another flashback chapter,, so here it is.

If I estimate correctly, there should be around 10-15 chapters left (although I am not very good at guessing so we'll see how that goes)(please stick with me :D)

See y'all in the next chapter~

MY MARTIAN. minsungWhere stories live. Discover now