forty four

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[Sol 295]|

“The pod thing isn't complete yet, because NASA wants me to run a bunch of tests on it to make sure I won't die or whatever.” Jisung said, running a hand through his messy hair.

In his opinion, those tests were stupid and a waste of his time.

“Also I forgot to say… but whOoPs I accidentally skipped yet another check-in thingy. It's not like anyone's watching these, so what does it matter?” He laughed quietly, taking a seat in his desk chair.

“Maybe I'll put these videos on a thumb drive or something. Bring them back with me.” Jisung hummed, sort of zoning out. All the long days which he had been going back and forth from the ship to the HAB were catching up on him. Plus the lack of proper nutrition made him get tired more easily than before.

A huge yawn escaped Jisung.

“Oh by the way. Food should last me about another month if I ration wisely. So that's great.” He tugged at his ragged locks once again. The orangish peachy color that had once highlighted them was long gone. Now his hair was a thorough mousy brown color, and he hated it.

“Remind me to dye my hair wild colors as soon as I get back. Like green or something. Oooooh maybe fuchsia. Not pink or red or purple. Fuchsia. Is that a dye color? Whatever..” Jisung sighed, slumping down dejectedly. His mood was shifting so quickly nowadays, and mostly all he wanted to do was sleep.

And so he could barely work up the energy to say 'bye’ and turn off the camera.


Petition for Fuchsia Jisung:

Now I'm curious 👀 is fuchsia an actual hair dye color-

iT iS

Do you put your toilet paper so that it unrolls on the inside or out? (Asking the rEAl questions here.)

Muahahahaha please don't cancel me but I love being chaotic and I know it bothers people so I always put it unrolling from the back (inside)  :'D

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