thirty three

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[Sol 107]|

“Hello I have returned. It has been another month!” Jisung's face came into view, smiling tiredly.

“I've been keeping to my schedule, and everything's been going fine, I think. I harvested the new round of potatoes, even more than last time!”

He reached off the frame and grabbed something, pulling it into view.

“Changbin, if you're watching this, prepare to be embarrassed- muahahahahaha!” Jisung held out a stuffed animal for the camera to see. “I have just single-handedly destroyed your hard-earned 'dark’ image. How do you feel about that? You must be missing Gyu, huh?”

He chuckled to himself, setting the stuffie off to the side and sat back in his chair.
“I don't really know what to talk about. Not much has changed. The scientists are as bossy as ever. Minho is Minho. I'm slowly learning to forgive myself I suppose, but I guess I'll never really know until I get back to Earth.”

He gazed into the distance, twisting his chair back and forth absentmindedly.

All of a sudden, he looked straight into the camera, finger held out accusingly.
“Hey! You pervert scientists better not ask me why I'm guilty or I swear, I will get you fired. It's none of your business and this journal thingy is the only thing I can rant to, so deal with it.”

He crossed his arms, glaring at the camera for a few seconds before his face softened again.
“Y'know what I miss? Ice cream. When I get back, I am eating so much ice cream, I'll make myself sick. But that's okay, honestly.”

A smile broke across his face.

“I can't wait to get home. I know that NASA’s working on something, and it doesn't really matter that Chan and Changbin don't know that I'm still alive, because they will eventually. And then we can all go get ice cream together again.”

Stars practically shone in Jisung's eyes.

“Anyway I should probably go. Just wanted to update you, so you can know that I'm doing fine! More than fine! Alright, thanks, byee!”


Big uwu


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