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Woojin looked around. Minho, although still looking slightly overwhelmed, was doing a great job. He got along well with the other team members, and was a natural leader. This was obvious. What the man was actually looking for was his protege. Where had Hyunjin gone?

Deciding to get up and go look for him, Woojin walked up to Minho and patted him on the back. The man nearly jumped from his seat in surprise.

“I'm going to go search for Hyunjin. We've got a meeting soon, and I don't want him to be late for it. I trust you, you're doing great.”

And with that, he left a very shocked minho.

Roaming the hallways, as far as he could see, Hyunjin was nowhere to be found. As he was passing down one corridor in particular, he was met with loud noises coming out of one of the rooms.

It wasn't anything crude, just….loud.

Bursting through the doorway, he was met with one of his employees. This specific employee was rather problematic. He wasn't a bad worker. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was only because of his sheer genius that he hadn't been fired yet. Kim Seungmin never followed the rules.

For example, Woojin had just broken into his office. His work office. It looked much more like a messy dorm.
Cups and junk food wrappers littered the floor. The blinds were closed tight, dimming the usually bright room significantly.

The complementary sofa was pulled out into a full bed, and the coffee table that would usually be in front of it was pushed out, only allowing the door to open a foot and a half.

The worst part, however, the part that had made him take interest in the room, was the music. He was blasting it, for goodness sakes!

Spotting the man in the corner, typing away at the computer and simultaneously chugging a mug of coffee, a speaker beside him, Woojin marched over and hastily unplugged it.

“Day6 again, Seungmin? Seriously?”

Looking unbothered, the redhead finished his sip of coffee before glancing over at his boss.

“Yeah? So?”

“So, Seungmin, this is the third time this week I've had to come in here and unplug that goddamn speaker. How many times have I had to tell you, wear headphones!”

“I don't want to, it ruins the magic.” He fired back immediately, no hesitation in the way he spoke.

“Seungmin,” Woojin said evenly, looking his employee straight in the eye. “you do know that I'm your boss, right?”

“Yes. Yes I do. But, Mr. Kim, you speak very informally to me, might I say.”

Shrugging the younger man's snide comments off, he continued. “You do know that I can fire you, don't you?”

“Yes. But I know that you won't.”

Woojin rolled his eyes. This kid really was getting on his last nerve. That didn't happen often.

“Oh really now? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't do it right here and now.”

Seungmin thought quickly, eyes flickering back to the open laptop that he had just been typing on.

“Because I just figured out a way for us to get my ex-roommate off of the red planet.”

“Why didn't you say so before??”

Seungmin sighed, "Did you not hear the just part? I was just working on it. Because I just figured out it might work."

He hadn't planned on revealing his project so early. Hadn't planned on nearly getting fired.
“I- To be honest, I still have to check it. The variables and different outcomes-”

Woojin held his hand out, signalling for silence. “How long will it take to check?”

“Uhhhh I'd have to go to the supercomputer, y'know the one. In the basement. Could take about an hour, maybe two, I dunno. Why?”

Mr. Kim looked at him with the utmost certainty. “I want you to present your ideas at the meeting today. It's in about an hour. Mr. Park’s office. Be there.”

With that, and one single look of warning, Mr. Kim exited the way he came.

As soon as the door slammed shut, Seungmin sank back down into his desk chair.

An official meeting? With the head of NASA?
He was way too young for this level of stressful shit.


Aaaaand we're back after about ten million years

Totally is not because I made myself promise to not publish any new books before I took this one off hiatus. ToTaLLy nOt. I deFiNiTeLy dO noT wANna puBliSh a new book or anything ;-;

Editing took a lot less time than I thought. Procrastination is actually pretty motivational towards getting something eLsE done

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