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In Space, there's basically a guarantee that your sleep schedule will go to hell and back. There's nothing that you can do about it.

But Jisung hardly even had a sleep schedule to begin with, so it was hitting him much harder.

Sleep was something somewhat valuable, and he hadn't had that much of it ever since they landed on Mars.

He’d had even less once others left, over two Sols ago, due to unforeseen circumstances.

Circumstances known as nightmares.

All of the hard work and physical exertion had drained him of what little energy he still had.

So there he lay, no one to pick him up.

By the time Jisung was awake enough to drag himself to his bed, it was well into the night.

Or, at least what you could assume was nighttime.

As much as he needed the shut-eye, Jisung decided that it might be best for him to run a diagnostic on himself. He did not feel okay. Something had to have gone wrong.

The drill had knocked him a great distance, plus landing on him and crushing his communication devices.

When he had awoken, banged up and alone, on the face of the red planet, there had been no way of contacting his crew.

And, as far as he knew, there still wasn't.
But, then again, he didn't know much.

After a short medical examination, preformed by Jisung, on himself, he concluded that many things had, in fact, gone wrong inside him.

He really should've done the check up sooner.

The wrist of his non-dominant hand had fractured on impact, as well as him recieving a slight concussion and a whole lot of bruising.

They weren't too bad of bruises, but they weren't the good kind either.

Jisung knew his way around hickies and love bites, and these were not them.

The only way to describe them would be yellow- unnervingly yellow.

He didn't even know that skin could change those colors. Not on such a wide scale, anyway. The entire middle of his body was bruised. The extent of the damage went from the end of his left ribcage to his right hip, crossing his abdomen. The bruising was bad enough that it was a wonder how he'd managed to even move around, but not bad enough to give him internal bleeding.

Now, Jisung was no doctor, but he was willing to bet that shock had something to do with his previous mobility.

A groan of both pain and frustration escaped him. If he didn't deal with his health problems first, his other problems would increase significantly.

He had the solution to his food problem, the most time-sensitive issue. It was smack dab in the middle of the next room over. All ready for potatoes to be planted. Only he couldn't even get it in progress due to the fact that anytime he moved, his whole body would ache.

So, Jisung decided that he would take a break day, instead of risking his already bad health.

He had obviously learned from last time.

Taking enough pain killers to subdue a cow, Jisung managed to sit up. He would need some form of entertainment. They didn't have wifi on Mars, unfortunately.

Rummaging around through Chan's stuff, gently as to not accidentally hurt himself more, Jisung came upon some…. CDs? Laying next to them in the box was a smooth black laptop. Chan had come prepared.

A few of the discs turned out to have songs on them. Not Chan's songs, though. They were in English, with no distinctive accent.

But it was ok, because Jisung was mostly fluent. Maybe one pro of all this time was that he'd finally be free to study the language more.

Snuggling up in one of Changbin's oversized hoodies, Jisung hit play on the small computer.

“Don't cut me down, throw me out, leave me here to waste, I once was a man with dignity and grace- now I'm slipping through the cracks of your cold embrace, so please, please-"

Jisung frowned to himself as the words processed in his mind.
The man's voice was nice, but the words were not.

"Could you find a way to let me down slowly? A little sympathy I hope you can show me. If you wanna go then I'll be so lonely. If you're leaving, baby, let me down slowly. Let me down-”

It was an interesting song, no less. Jisung didn't hate it, even though it was bringing back repressed memories from his space training days.

Memories of soft whispers and warm skin. Of gentle kisses and comforting hugs that left tingling sensations spreading everywhere.

Unfortunately, it also reminded him of the slammed doors, haunting arguments, and worst of all-

He winced, quickly slamming the laptop shut. It seemed as though the pain had increased tenfold, and he was struggling to sit back up again.

Soon, he gave up and flopped backwards. He didn't want to remember what a horrible person he'd been at the end. Maybe that was why he was stuck on Mars. Maybe it was some cruel sense of punishment for what he'd done.

The hurt of heartache, loneliness, pain, sadness, anger, guilt, and so many other emotions that had been swirling through the confines of Jisung's brain were released at last.

He finally curled up and let the long restrained tears flow, as he had been wanting to do for an unimaginable amount of time.

He couldn't stay strong.

He kept hoping that someone, anyone, would come and comfort him somehow. A hug, a kiss. A high five, even. Anything, at this point.

Jisung was a social being. Going this long without human contact was not boding well for him. He missed Chan. He missed Changbin. He missed all of his friends and family. But most of all, for some reason, he missed the one person that he now couldn't stop remembering.

Their lovesick laughs from long ago burned into his mind, taunting him. Letting him have small tastes of something that he could never have.

You gave it all away, idiot.


How you like deM anGST?

But seriously tho...imagine if you were in Jisung's shoes rn, i'D bE fEeLinG fEeLs tOo

*Fingerguns* thoughts on this chapter?

The song at the top is what Jisung was listening to.

Stan Alec Benjamin everyone-


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