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[Sol 28...|]

Even though today was supposed to be his break day, Jisung was eager to do something.

So, that was how he ended up digging through his friend's boxes once again.
He definitely did not want to. Not at all.

It was a chore.

A chore.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Or at least that's what he kept telling himself, as he pulled out even more CDs from Chan's stash of personal items.

The first disc, the one that he had listened to before, was labeled 'Alec Benjamin’ in black sharpie.

Jisung set that to the side.

The music was good, but he didn't know if he had the emotional capacity to listen to that one song again.

He didn't need to be reminded of his young love, anymore than he already was.

Which was very often.

He could hardly get the other off of his mind nowadays.

Their presence was always lingering in his thoughts, tugging at his memories, clouding his brain.

It was getting to the point where Jisung couldn't keep pushing it to the back of his mind. Couldn't keep ignoring it.

Sighing, Jisung dropped the CDs back into the box.

He couldn't do this, who was he kidding.

He rubbed the space between his eyebrows, feeling a headache arising to join the matching ache in his heart.

Even, if somehow he could magically accept that he was still desperately in love with his ex despite their break up, that couldn't- wouldn't- change the fact that he was literally cut off from any interaction, social or otherwise.

And if he could get in contact with them, what would he even say?

Shaking his head, Jisung went back to 'work’, sorting out stuff in his hyungs’ stuff.
Well, work is a relative term.

Turns out that one of the other discs was a copy of the movie 'Guardians of the Galaxy’.
Jisung chuckled to himself when he spotted it. Figures, Chan would have a copy of the 2014 movie.

What was it? Eleven? No, ten years ago, now, since that movie had come out?

Time sure went by quickly.

Settling into his desk chair, nestling into the center of a blanket burrito, Jisung pressed play on the movie.

As funny as it was, his mind kept taking him back to the first time he'd seen it. Seven or eight years after it had originally come out.
Late to the program, as always.
It was actually amazing that their movie theater was still running it at the time.

His then-boyfriend had freaked when he found out that Jisung had never seen it.

Jisung smiled, at nothing in particular.
Nothing except for the memories that were now flooding back to him.

And for once, he didn't mind.

Hyung, hyung! Stop pulling me!”
Jisung managed to get out between his giggles.

The older was holding him by his non-dominant wrist, practically dragging him into the movie theater.

“I cannot believe that you haven't seen this movie, Jisungie. It's like I hardly even know you.” He wiped a fake tear from his eye with his free hand, still not turning around.

Jisung pouted, slowing his steps. “Hyung, why won't you pay attention to meee~”

“I am, Jisung~”
The other turned around, a small smile on his face.
Buuuut I also really wanna see this movie with you soooo-”

He stole a small peck on Jisung's lips before turning back around and continuing to pull him towards the door, "Let's hurry up shall we, love."

Jisung let out an exaggerated groan, a grin etched across his blushing face,
“uGH~ Minhooooooo, do we have to though? Why can't we just watch it at home?”

The same smile was once again on Jisung's face as he resurfaced from the depths of his memories.

He blinked slowly and looked around him. The movie wasn't over, but everything was blurry.

He reached up and felt his face.


He had been crying. Again.

But for once, he didn't feel completely empty inside.

He didn't feel quite so alone.


Leave your thoughts

I have a feeling that people might freak out a bit over this new revelation, but that might just be my attention craving self that thinks my story is good enough to make people have emotions

And wOW

I couldn't help myself, and wrote the ending to this book during study hall today. On paper. Even though I'm not even a quarter way through yet.

AiGHt byE

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