forty two

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[Sol 203]|

“So I accidentally skipped the video journal thing I was supposed to do last month so I'm sorry-” Jisung laughed awkwardly, eyes darting around the HAB.

It'd been two months since IIIRacha’s mutiny, and Jisung was doing alright.

“I have run out of potatoes, so now I'm down to standard rations- or, well, maybe a bit smaller than the standard rations. It's okay though, I'm surviving.” He put on a small smile and began to walk around.

“I've still been working out or whatever. Doesn't really matter anyway. Uhhhh- oh! Chan said Felix is kinda fired? Like, as soon as I get home he'll have to leave. I have to remember to thank him.” Jisung said with a pout. Felix truly was a great friend, and now his career was over because of Jisung.

“Since NASA didn't want Changbin and Chan to die, and it was obvious that they weren't going to stop, they still sent a probe up with supplies. The boys are about four-ish months away from me!! ExCiTemEnT.”

He set the camera on the table and did a really quick happy dance before scooping it up again.

“Anyway, I'll have to go to this broken pod thing about a mile and a half away from here. NASA’s helping me construct it into a working launchable thingy. I have no idea if it'll actually work though. I'm kinda just winging it.”

Jisung walked over and pulled aside the makeshift curtain over one of the windows. There had been a bunch of storms lately, and he didn't feel like watching them. But now he looked out, intrigued.

“Four and a half billion years, no one here. Now, me.” He glanced back at the camera. “Wouldn't it be a shame if after all this hassle, I die on my way up to the ship? Pfft that'd suck- oh shit there's no wood to knock on.” He searched around him quickly, but when he spotted nothing, his eyes widened and he placed a hand over his mouth in mock shock.

“Whoops- welp it's a good thing I'm not superstitious.”


Dude someone reminded me that I said I'd finish this before the end of July and now im-

welp. we'll see.

ALsO dhhdhsjsnsm 4k reads? And?? 800 votes???? Y'all are too much and I love you 😭 here, take my undying love and affection muahahahaha fools

Do you guys have any predictions for how this is gonna go? I'm curious 😏

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