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Answer your phone






You're a whole hoe

I'm driving to your apartment right now

Haylee Serna finally picked picked, relieved that she didn't have to bother in looking at anymore flowers or venues or any of that sort. Instead she heard Alexia's voice come through the other end of the line, "MybrotherwanttomeetCole." She sputters in one breath only to have Haylee tell her off about her inability to breathe in between breaths, "I said, My. Brothers. Want. To. Meet. Cole." There was another pause before Haylee let out a screech and Lex wasn't sure whether she was making fun of the situation or if she was going to join Lex's pity party, "This is serious."

"Oh I know." She grinned, "It's official huh?" She asked.

"No!" Lex yelled as she maneuvered around her house, "They're gonna scare him off. We've only been seeing each for three weeks, if that-"

"The Arenado brothers don't mess around." Haylee giggled, before calming herself, "What can I tell you, kid? When do they want to meet?"

"Oh they want to meet him next game, they even want to go to the game and all, just my luck."

Lex Arenado wanted to be swallowed whole when she stood between, Nolan and Jonah, her smaller body being overpowered by her giant brothers and lets not forget the looks the girls that would pass by would give them as they whispered amongst each other.

is that Nolan Arenando

You know from the Rockies

Oh but the younger brother, he's a meal

"You really out here doing the most." Lex muttered as Nolan was quick to embrace his baby sister in a tight hug, not seeming to let go anytime soon, "I told you to wear glasses or something!" Lex couldn't say much as Haylee appeared waving her hands manically and jogging as fast as her feet could possibly carry her.

"Oh it's so good to see you all here!" She mused welcoming the family with tight hugs, "Oh, oh when are you due?" She asked looking at Megan, Cousy's wife who was ready to pop any day now. Megan reply that she was due anytime in January making Haylee squeal with joy, "Oh my goodness! I can't wait to kiss her sweet cheeks. Anyways, Sam and Dillon wanted to know if you guys wanted VIP seats? Or stands are completely fine?"

Somewhere in the midst of the chatter of her family, Lex looked over at Haylee who was getting ready to leave, "Are you gonna see Cole by any chance? He texted me saying there was a possibility he would play today? I wanted to see him, you know to wish him good luck." Her cheeks flushed as she finished her sentence before her best friend nodded slightly and told her she could pull some strings.

By strings she meant Dillon and Sam and by strings she meant that Dillon and Sam would meet the two of them outside the dressing room, dragging a confused Cole out who's voices of complaints were completely ignored by the two older male. His mouth flew shut as Lex stood infront of him with a shy smile that made Cole's cheeks flush red as he wasn't sure if he should hug her, kiss her or what, "I made Haylee bring me down to wish you good luck," She mused making Cole chuckle quietly, "Good luck."

So there was this awkward silence between them, a space that they weren't sure if to break so they stood there. With their cheeks flushed some extreme shade of red while Cole stood with one shin guard in and his cleats untied. Lex decided that she needed to be bold, and she knew that it would be a story to tell later; especially Haylee. So there she was all of sudden giving his lips a quick peck before she pulled away and Cole stood stunned as his eyes widened looking at Lex once more before he blinked wildly once and again once more, "Good luck!"

lexarenando just made a post!

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Liked by colebassett_, santa_mona and 14,671 others

lexarenando It's spooky season 💛

👥 colebassett_

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