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Haylee sighed as they got off the team bus at Coors Field. Nothing had gotten better in the month and a half since Lex caught her kissing Jonah. In fact, it had gotten worse. Jonah has left for pre season, Lex went back to school, and none of them talked anymore. This felt worse than her divorce.

She immediately went to find Nolan. She hadn't talked to him since before it happened. She needed to tell him a few things.

"Nolan!" She yelled when she saw him.

"Haylee," he nodded professionally.

"Can we please talk?" She begged.

"For an interview?"

"No. Just you and me. Please. Five minutes."


"Nolan," Kyle Freeland sighed.


"Please. Two minutes," Haylee gently grabbed his wrist, "please that's all I need and then I'll never talk to you again if that's what you want."

"Fine. Two minutes go," Nolan huffed as they walked away from his teammates.

"Firstly, I want to apologise. I never meant for that to happen. And I feel terrible that I'm tearing your family apart. I love you all, and it physically hurts me to know that I'm causing your family all this pain. Secondly, I told Jo nothing could happen because I'm not going to ruin his family. Family is all you have. They're your ride or die, and I'm not going to take that away from him. Lastly, I wanted to say good bye."

"Good bye?" Nolan echoed.

"Yeah I'm moving."

"What?! Where? When? What?!" Nolan looked at her.

"I'm being loaned out."

"What the fuck, Haylee? You're not a player. How are you being loaned out?"

"Mr. Kroenke and Josh personally met with me. They told me that they think I've been doing a great job with the Rapids and the Nuggets. They're sending me to London so I can try out with Arsenal TV," Haylee explained.

"When do you leave?"

"Three days."

"Oh. Wow," Nolan let out a soft whistle.

"Again, I'm so sorry for ruining your family. I never meant for anyone to get hurt like this. Okay, good bye," Haylee turned away.

"Wait," Nolan grabbed her wrist, "did you tell Jonah?"

"No. We haven't talked since I told him we couldn't. So that makes all the Arenados who can't stand me," she smiled sadly, "anyways, just wanted to apologise. I'll catch you around later. Bye, Nolan."

Haylee walked away quickly and back to her team. She wiped away a few tears. She went back to the bus and powdered her eyes. When she saw that an interview with Nolan was needed, she begged Katy to do it while she talked to Kyle. She didn't want to start crying in the middle of the interview.

That's all she wanted to do when she thought about Jonah, Nolan, Cousy, Millie, and especially Lex.

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