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"Hey how'd it go?" Jonah asked as Haylee got into his car. He had dropped her off to talk with Alison, Joshua, and Dawson before he went to his afternoon practice.

"Pretty well," Haylee nodded as she buckled up.

"Yeah? Was the offer good?"

"It was an incredible three year offer. I was shocked. They were so well prepared. They really want me to join their team," Haylee took his hand.

"You gonna take it then?"

"I already did," she revealed casually.

"WHAT?!" Jonah whipped his head around to look at Haylee. The car jerked to a sudden halt as cars behind them honked.

"Jo! You can't just jam the brake in the middle of traffic!" Haylee yelped.

"You signed with them?!" He repeated as he started driving again.

"Yeah. Their offer was mind blowing. I thought some of the numbers were a joke if we're being honest."

"Wow. What are you going to tell the Nuggets?"

"I already told them. I said I deeply appreciated all the opportunities I had with them, but it was time for me to move on."

"Wow. When do you move out here?"

"Probably late July early August so that I have time to settle in before pre season."

"Sounds good. I'm so proud of you for following your heart."

"Thank you," she smiled and kissed his hand.

"Let's go celebrate!" Jonah grinned.

"That sounds great!"

"Have you told your family yet?"

"Yeah I called them and told them. They're really excited for me. Do you want to call Lex and Mike with me?"

"Sure. We're almost back at my apartment."


It was only a few more minutes before Haylee and Jonah were curled up on the couch with Nova and Charlee. Haylee pulled out her phone and FaceTimed Lex.

"Hey look it's my favourite and the gorilla man," Lex smirked.

"You're a brat," Jonah huffed.

"What's up?" Lex ignored him.

"Hold on I wanna conference in Mike too."

"Oh God. Are you pregnant again?" Lex whined.

"No!" Haylee snapped.

"Hey guys," Mike popped on.

"Tikey!" Lex grinned.

"Hey, babe. Hayls, to what do we owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Who even are you, Mike?" Haylee burst out laughing.

"What's going on? Are the Nugs going to the Rapids Stadium? Am I gonna have to beat Cole's punk ass again? Maybe break Sam's face again?" Mike smirked.

"Noooo. Nothing like that," Jonah shook his head.

"Okay so what's going on then?" Lex asked.

"My contract with the Nuggets is up in six days," Haylee started.

"Already?" Lex raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah it was a one year contract."

"So you renewed? Is that what you called to say?" Mike asked.

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