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"You're not thinking about Cole." Haylee muttered as Lex laid on her bed, hands on her face as she groaned loudly, "You have a boyfriend who's patiently waiting for you to come home to him while you're what? Cheating on him?" Lex snapped up, her eyes shooting daggers at Haylee was she finished her statement.

"I'm not cheating on him." She sneered, glaring at her friend. But the clench in her heart stated otherwise because she felt like she was, she felt dirty and she dreaded to come back home and look at Cole's eyes and lie to him that Riqui didn't cause a riot in her soul, "I want to be with Cole, so much. But i can't say Riqui doesn't make my heart leap."

Haylee sighed. What was she to say? She was torn between them but the way she looked at Cole wasn't the same way she was looking at Riqui. She looked at Cole like she saw the future in his eyes and she felt so young when she saw them together. They were so in love and some stupid fling or whatever it was wasn't gonna come and destroy them, "Cole is your present and your future, know that. He's the boy that is willing to watch you grow as you hold the ship down because he wants this as much as you do. He's the same man that you want to have children with, Lex. You can't tell you're gonna throw away this. He's the same man that watches you like you put the stars in his skies. He's the same man that loves you."

Scrapbook| FakegramOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora