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"apparently Mike knew too." Lex muttered as she began packing her bags to leave back for college, "i feel like i'm overreacting." Lex finally looked at Laura who smiled warmly at her sister.

"No," she answered, "i would be hurt too. you're feelings are valid." Laura continued as Lex let out a loud sigh as she closed one suitcase before hauling the empty one onto her bed.

it wasn't so much then being together or whatever they were, it more the fact that they did it behind her back, completely disregarding her. she understood that no one chose who they fell for but what she couldn't understand was the fact that they thought it was okay to hide it from her, "I feel betrayed by the people I love the most." Lex confessed as Laura came around to hug her tightly, "and Mike he's also one of them." she finally felt tears brim her eyes.

Jonah had left days earlier back to San Francisco and those days were hell im the house. Nolan and Laura could feel the tension and Nolan was conflicted. He would run the ends of the world for Lex. He would hurt who he needed to hurt for her but this time it involved his own brother and as much as he wanted to square Jonah in the face for causing her pain, he couldn't bring himself to do that to his brother. Maybe Nolan was biased, but he found himself siding with Lex and was distancing himself from Jonah.

That hadn't stopped Haylee, Jonah or Mike from reaching out and trying to apologize or explaining themselves to her but Lex wanted none of that. All she wanted was to go back to UCLA, in the conform of her small dorm and nowhere near them. She wanted the space and the distance so she could breathe clearly.

If anything, Haylee felt guilty for involving Mike. There was nothing he could do and he felt trapped.

"Oh, call when you land. I'll see you during spring break, sweets." Laura mused as she finally slipped on her loafers as she was on her way to work as Nolan and Lex prepared themselves to go to the airport to drop Lex off, "I love you. Call every night. Don't forget to check in. I feel like Millie right now! Anyways, call Nolan or text him, we all know how he gets."

Lex nodded smiling at her sister in law, "I will. I love you both." She mused, "We all know Cousy and Meg are gonna be all over me too." Lex added knowing that she wasn't gonna get away from the protectiveness of her brothers and their wives that easily.

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