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The next morning Priya and Jai were waiting for Divi to come out. Divi was in the pooja room of their house where Nandu gave her a plate with a saree, vermillon, bangles and flowers to her. She prayed to God and came out of the house.

Dhobi bought the washed clothes to their house. Seeing Jai she asked "Do you remember me kid?" to which Jai shook his head making her continue "You use to tell me if I give you ten rupees you'd marry me in your childhood".

Try giving now also he might marry you" Priya said making Jai glare at her.

Dhobi smiled shyly while Jai grinned at Dhobi "How can I forget you? You use to clean ammulu's (runny nose)chimidi mukku".

Priya glared daggers at Jai while Divi joined them. She noticed tension between them and greeted dhobi which bought them out of their staring contest "How are you Maniamma?"

"I'm fine amma. How are you?" Maniamma asked.

"I'm good. Pinni is waiting for you in the backyard" Divi said making dhobi leave. She turned towards the duo and motioned them towards the gate.

They started towards temple and everyone greeted the girls and asked about Jai on their way. Almost everyone in the village knows them.

"Are all the people in the village our relatives?" Jai asked.

"If we feel they are our family everyone is our relative" Divi said making Jai smile. They reached the temple within twenty minutes by walk.

They washed their feet, hands before going inside the temple. They did eleven rounds around the temple and stopped in front of the shivalingam. They prayed and poojari gaaru came out to give them the aarati.

The three of them handed the plate Divi was holding to poojari garu. When poojari garu touched the plate he felt a shudder pass through his body.

"Poojari garu you need to come to our house for fixing wedding dates tomorrow" Priya said and the trio took the blessings. Poojari blessed them and the three of them exited the temple leaving poojari garu worried.

"Eeshwara....(lord shiva) what game are you playing?" Poojari garu said closing his eyes praying lord Shiva.


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