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The trio entered the house only to stop seeing the angry faces. Krishna looked at his daughter while she was staring at him without any guilt.

"Do you know what you did?" Krishna asked angrily.

"Maavayya.." Krishna cut off Jai "No, don't support her Jai. Answer me Divyanka". Uh-oh Divi is in trouble when her father calls her with full name.

But she is not ashamed of what she did, she'd do it again. With that confidence she raised her chin and answered her father "They misbehaved and I taught a lesson to them which their parents didn't".

"You aren't even ashamed or afraid, are you?" Krishna asked disbelievingly.

"They should be the one to be ashamed. Why are you scolding her?" Rana asked.

"Why?Why? Because I don't want her to gain attention. The conditions in the village are far worse than before. What if they attack her?" Krishna shouted. Everyone widened their eyes expect Divi seeing Krishna's anger.

Divi stared at him blankly "What I did was right and I'd do it again. About the consequences don't you worry I can face them. I'm habituated to pain already" and went upstairs to her room leaving everyone utterly shocked.

"Why is she behaving like this?" Krishna asked.

"You are thinking about her behaviour but I'm thinking about what she has been through that she changed so much?" Priya said worriedly.



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