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Everyone looked at Jai who said "Now everything is perfect" which made others sigh.

Priya hit his head saying "You can't put vermillon on any one's hairline like that". Priya's statement made Jai realise what he did and looked at Divi.

"It's not real so no need to create a scene" Divi said and went to change. Krishna saw Divi was upset and decided to talk to her later.

Divi changed herself into her morning clothes and came out giving everything back then went to the terrace. Priya came to her and gave prasadam.

"Back there when I saw Jai filling your hairline with vermillon I thought that our family would arrange your marriage to him. It made me want to die" Priya said laughing.

"Akk..." Priya cut off Divi saying "But the thought that it's going to be real soon made me realise I need to be prepared" which made Divi turn her head towards Priya with wide eyes.

Priya smiled sadly "You really thought I didn't notice anything. I knew everything since you came home. When Jai confronted you I was there. I saw his broken look but I needed sometime to give him up".

"You'll do no such thing. No listen to me you are doing all this because I'm your sister right. Then forget that I'm your sister" Divi said making Priya narrow her eyes.

"I'm not your real sister. I'm an orphan your naanna bought me here in the name of his died newborn baby. I don't share your blood" Divi said making Priya shocked.





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