drivers license

941 26 10

First update of 2021✌

And yes, this is based on Olivia Rodrigo's new song (go stream btw)

"i can't wait to get my license billie!!" you said as billie drove around your neighborhood.

"yeah, then i won't have to be your personal driver anymore" billie mumbled.

you hit her shoulder "hey! you said you were willing! it’s only for the rest of the year!!"

she laughs "i know love, but still it'll be nice to have you drive up to my house. i can just imagine it, your parked car outside my driveway and i get to watch you run to me at the front door."

"and you'll welcome me in with open arms, carrying me inside your house." you finish.

"whattt? how'd you know??" she smiles, acting like she's surprised that you guessed exactly what she'd say.

you shrug "i don't know, you just always liked carrying me",

"well, you're easy to carry" billie answers as you stop at a red light. she leans over to kiss your cheek "it's something i love about you. i can't wait for that to happen"

your face begin to blush pink "yeah me too, guess you'll finally be the one to say drive safe" you smile "plus, i can actually get to all your shows now!! i'll be your support system!"

billie’s focus turned towards the road once more as the light turned green "you're already my support system love, and i'm so grateful for that" she reached for your hand which rest on the center console, intertwining her fingers with yours. "i love you so much y/n, i will always and forever"

you brought her hand up to you, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "i love you too, i always will."
billie gave you a smile, heading towards the same restaurant you both adored so much.

you turned the keys, watching as the engine started.

it's been one week since you got your license, the event that the two of you were waiting for, the thing you were both so excited about. but you had yet to go drive by yourself. it wasn't that you didn't want to go anywhere.

it was that there was nowhere that didn't remind you of her.

you hadn't set foot in your favorite restaurant ever since the breakup. in fact, you haven't left your house that much in the past few weeks. but you managed to drag yourself out of your house today because you needed to get groceries. you sat in the car, looking at the passenger seat silently wishing it wasn't empty. you sighed as you pulled out of your driveway and into the direction of the store. She was everywhere. you saw her everywhere. in the white cars around you, to the familiar buildings, you spent hours in. heck every time you stopped at a red light you remembered how she'd litter your face with kisses until the light turned green. you continued driving and driving, forgetting the reason why you even left your house. it was like you were on memory lane, driving through all the wonders of your relationship with her.

you didn't think you'd end up back here.

on the same street that you practiced driving with her, her street. it was like you came here on instinct, mindlessly driving with no sense of direction. the too familiar houses come into view as you continue down the road. you wished so badly that she was sitting next to you, laughing at one of her own stupid jokes, or reciting some pointless fact. you wished that you could've seen that sight. Billie waiting for you outside her front door, arms wide waiting for you to jump into them. your vision began to blur as you hurried to pull the car over, resting your head on the steering wheel as pained sobs came out. you still loved her, you've never loved anyone as you loved her and you missed her so much. no one knew her like you did...

well there was one other person.

"y/n?" a voice calls out. you turn to see Billie, standing next to your window. "what are you doing here?" you turn to the passenger's side, coming to the realization that you pulled over in front of her driveway.

you hurry to get the car moving again "oh, sorry i'll move the car." as you slowly drove, Billie stuck by your window, walking alongside you.

"you got your license...congrats" Billie says when you put the car in park.

"yeah, i did" you answer, offering her a fake smile "thanks"

Billie nods before asking again. "what are you doing here?"

"n-nothing" you shakily answered. "i came here by mistake, sorry"

"it's ok...actually can we-"

"hey, bil we-" another voice calls. Billie's eyes widen as her gaze follows the voice. "oh sorry, am i interrupting something?" they asked. you turn towards the passenger side to see a blonde approaching the two of you. you met their eyes, a sense of familiarity hit you as they walked closer. "y/n...." their voice trails off as their face finally reaches the light.

you knew it.

She moved on so fast.

of course, it had to be with them, the one person you were insecure about, and the worst part is, every single time you brought it up to her, she told you the same things. "don't worry love, they're just a friend. besides i only love you" she said. "i'll only love you, forever, until the very end i promise."

you cursed yourself for believing her.

you hurried to get the car moving again, shifting it into drive "h-hey y/n we can talk about this" Billie hurriedly said.

"there's nothing to talk about billie," you spat, slamming the gas and hurrying away from her house. you couldn't stop the tears now. your cries finally ripped from your throat as you pass the familiar sidewalks the two of you crossed together. the ones you traveled on during late-night trips to the convenience store, laughing as if you didn't have a care in the world. you drove and drove, wanting to run away and escape your feelings. driving and driving until a sound came from your car. you looked to see your depleting gas tank.

low gas, please refill soon.

you sighed, no matter how much you tried, you couldn't outrun your emotions. no matter what, they'd always catch up to you in the end. you made a right turn after wiping your tears, returning back to your house.

the two of you weren't perfect, you both knew that better than anyone else. She always said forever, she promised you forever. every time she promised you believed her, falling deeper and deeper. after some time, forever wasn't just a time construct. it became a person. it became billie.

you just wished that your forever could last a little bit longer

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