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Requested by msdottcaramelWas requested a long ass time ago sorry bout dat

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Requested by msdottcaramel
Was requested a long ass time ago sorry bout dat

Recently online school had started back up for y/n and Billie hated it.

Y/ns POV
School started 3 weeks ago and I'm already failing. I have 1 C in science and Ds in everything else. I've been trying very hard to get my grades up by actually doing my assignments and getting extra credit, but that's pretty hard to accomplish when you have a green haired giant human teddy bear clinging on to you every five seconds.

Billies POV
Y/n recently started school again a couple of weeks ago and its been completely taking all of her time. She rarely spends time with me anymore because she's always working on some dumb ass project. I don't even know why she does it. She's failing anyways, might aswell just drop out.

She always says that I wouldn't get it because I've never been to school. Even though I constantly tell her she doesn't need it and that I never did school and I turned out just fine.

"Why are you spending so much time on that stupid science project?"

"Because I want to improve my grades bil."

"But your failing anyways. There's no point in doing it."

"Billie, you never went to school you wouldn't understand."

"Yeah I didn't but I still turned out just fine."

"Hmm I don't know about that."

"Was that supposed to be offensive?"

"Ion know, take it as you will."

"I just wanted some cuddles....."

I got up of her bed and and left the room with tears welling up in my eyes as I let out a huff.

If she would just cuddle with me for 5 minutes, I would leave her alone and let her do her stupid school. FIVE Minutes is all I want.

Y/ns POV
"I just wanted some cuddles...." Billie said as she got up and left the room. I could tell she was upset. And I felt bad, I really did, but I just wanted to finish the final details on my project that is worth 50% of my grade and then I would check on her.

-----Time Skip-----

15 minutes later

I had just finished adding my sources to my last slide of my presentation and now I was going to check on Billie.

I got up and walked out of the room with a unopened bag of takis for Bil. I walked into the living to see her sitting on the couch in the living room curled up with her knees to her chest while she was watching a random episode of SpongeBob.

"Hey Bubba whats wrong?"

I asked as it was obvious she had been crying

"I thought you had school to do."

"I finished baby, now why are you upset?"

"Because I just want to spend time with you again. School takes up all of your time and sometimes I just wanna cuddle for a lil bit."

"You coulda just told me."

"I didn't think you'd listen.

"Of course I would listen."

"Well I'm done with school now. So how about we watch an episode of The Office and cuddle together and take a nap."

I could see her eyes light up as she did a little happy clap

"I would love that mamas."

"Oh and I brought this for you."

I said pulling the bag of takis out from behind my back

"I love you so much."

Billie said as she pecked my lips

So we watched The Office. Then we cuddled and took a nap. I kinda forgot how much I love the feeling of just relaxing and cuddling with bil.

Its safe to say that I will definitely be making more time to spend with my baby.

Hope you guys enjoyed that one

I had alot of fun writing it

And now wish me luck on my science project

Bye 👋

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