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Day 4

“Billie, hurry up!” You shout, tying your apron around your waist snuggly. The island counter was covered in baking supplies that waited for your girlfriend with you. “I’m here” She singsongs, tugging on the strings of your apron a little. 

“Took you long enough” You pout, smacking her hands away from the neatly tied bow on your backside. It was December, which meant Christmas, which meant Christmas cookies. 

And if there was something the super singer liked more than singing itself, it was Christmas cookies. 

Her navy sweats sat low on her hips, hair dripping wet from the shower she just took. The white tank top she must have pulled out of the hamper was wrinkled, but her favorite. “Okay, grab the eggs from the fridge and I’ll start this” You hum, reading the recipe over. 

The book was your grandmothers, and was quite literally falling apart, but it was your most prized possession. She was the one who got you into baking as a child, and the obsession stuck even after she passed. Something about throwing a bunch of stuff in a bowl and knowing the mess would turn to something of beauty was magical to you.  

You had been so preoccupied spinning about the kitchen, adding the other ingredients and humming to the Smino song that played softly in the background that you failed to here Billie warn you to watch out. “What? Hey!” You shout, feeling something cold and gooey plop on the top of your head. 

“Oh my god, I’m sorry” Your girlfriend wheezes, bending at the waist as she laughed. The eggshell in her hand tipped you off to what landed on you, your hand scrambling for a towel. A grumble rolled through your lips as you drag the wet, yellow yolk off of your head. 

“Baby, I am so sorry” She continues to laugh, wrapping her arms around your waist. Your hand closes around the egg part to hide it, turning to face the girl. “Oh yeah? You are?” You ask, sliding your butt onto the front of the sink. Her hands find places to rest besides you on the counter.

“Absolutely, my little egg head” She coos, tapping your nose. You do your best to put on a face of innocence, your plot for revenge brewing. Leaning i to place a kiss on your lips, the green haired girl receives a much wetter, less romantic gift. 


“Hey!” She shouts, trying to wipe the crud off of her head. Giggles fill the kitchen as she fights back, tossing flour towards you and falling victim to your retaliation, leaving the entire stove covered in cinnamon. 

“Okay, you win!” She laughs, holding both of your hands by the wrists. The kitchen around you two was an absolute mess, but not as much as you two were. “Shower?” You ask, the giggles subsiding. 

Plopping down, Billie takes her place on the couch besides you with a filled plate of the now finished Christmas cookies. “The Grinch, or The Santa Clause?” You ask, nabbing a cookie from the top of the pile. “Hmm, Grinch” She replies, pulling the blanket over the both of you. 

Your cold feet find her much warmer body, something you envied. “Hey now” She protests, but pulls the body parts into her lap. “Hey now, egghead” You hum, his eyes rolling. “You’re lucky I love you, grinch” She hums, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 


That was day 4

Honestly surprised I haven't forgotten by now


This book is almost at 5k reads

Like wtf

I dont deserve that but it's whatever

Also how would you guys feel if I made a theme book

I personally think my themes suck

But I know some people like them


Bye 👋

𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now