🎄mrs. grinch🎄

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Day 11

you invited your girlfriend over to a sleepover although christmas was yesterday because you still wanted to spend your holidays with her. you celebrated your christmas with you family and she celebrated hers with her members.

you’re currently in your living room, your parents are sleeping upstairs, and about to watch grinch. you’ve already baked cookies with her this afternoon and figured what’s a great way to eat them? while drinking milk and watching grinch.

it was Billie’s idea that you both should watch this movie although you’ve watch this way too many times even tho it wasn’t christmas.

you attentively watched the film while munching on the cookies when the grinch theme song came up. you drank your milk and Billie suddenly sang with the movie.

“you’re a mean one, mr. grinch.” she suddenly sang, her raspy voice gave you goosebumps and you looked at her weirdly.

“babe, you sound exactly like grinch.” you blurted. She glared at you and gave you a disgusted look.

“babe, i sound like the singer, not grinch.” she bit back. you rolled your eyes and grabbed the last cookie before she could.

“you look like grinch.” you stuck your tongue out before scooting farther away from her.

“hey, are you saying i’m ugly? and smelly?” she pulled you back gripping your waist and you look at her when the cookie hanging from your mouth. “i never said that. i just said you look like him.”

Billie gave you one last glare before biting on the other end of the cookie that was on your mouth. “you’re mean.” she pouted. which made you giggle and gave her a crumbly peck.

“don’t worry. i still love you even do you look like him.”


As you all should know Brandon Bernard was wrongfully executed last night

I know most of us tried our hardest to stop it but the system is so fucked up that we unfortunately lost another beautiful life

I have put a link to several petitions you can sign and places you can donate in my bio

I also put a link in my conversations and a number you can text

Please do it

It literally takes less than 30 seconds

We can't lose another life like this

I love you

Bye 👋

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