Bad Guy

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Billie Eilish - Falling for a girl that is just as bad as she is and being completely shook about it

Word Count: 1712

Warning: light smut


Billie walked through the halls of the school, late as usual for class or hell, even skipping. You had spare that period and sat sitting in the hall, doodling endlessly as you tried to think of the topic of your essay for your class. Glancing over, you found Billie's gaze reach you, and her immediate thought was to go over to you. An automatic reaction for Billie when she sees a girl; how lovely. "Y/N. Fancy seeing you here." She hollered over, taking a seat on the floor beside you. You had to admit, you liked the bad guy of Graniteville, but her habit of chasing away girls than leaving them high and dry had stopped you from ever having a chance with her. You didn't want to be left on her list of girls when you felt something for her. "Billie." You said, closing your notebook as you let your mind take a break from work. "What are you doing here?" You asked. "Skipping calculus. Who the fuck cares about that?" Billie chuckled, turning on her charm that usually worked for the ladies. "What about you? Aren't you a too much of a goody-two-shoes tp be skipping class Y/N?" She leaned in, obviously flirting. You felt your heartbeat in your ears as her flirting was taking effect on you. "I have a spare, so I have a free slot, instead of class. And besides, I'm not 'a goody-two-shoes'."

You were saying the truth. Yeah, you were a good student with good grades, but to be honest; everyone really didn't like you. It was something everyone really knew, and you didn't care. The best part was the faculty and teachers. They hated you because you didn't listen to their lessons or lectures; didn't work on most things in class but you still ended up with the highest grade in the class and handed everything in on time than others. You didn't fit the 'perfect student' or 'perfect child' mould but you were smart enough for most adults to hate you. You hated most of the people in your grade and school; as they always wanted to follow the guidelines and trends-making them such basic people. They always cared about what society thinks of them and you were the total opposite of society. You were essentially the other side of society-the 'bad girl'.

It even shocked you that Billie had even talked to you. Maybe it was out of boredom, or her attachment to women. Or, something else?

Billie chuckled in disbelief as she saw you stuff your schoolwork in your bag; something she caught on and used in her argument. You can tell she's trying to add you on the list, but you thought: 'Why not change it up a bit? Everyone expects Billie to get the girl. She's the 'bad guy' of the school.' You thought to yourself. This'll be fun. You let out a breathy scoff as you flipped him off and Billie following with another chuckle. "Such obscene finger gestures coming from such a pristine girl." She mocked, gently letting down your finger. You bit your lip as you thought of your plan-and smirked mischievously. "Say, Y/N; why don't we go somewhere else other than school? The day ends after this period," Billie leaned in quite close, looking down at you with those blue eyes of hers. "Charming. Yet, predictable." Billie furrowed his brow in confusion at your reaction. That usually doesn't happen. "I'm not like those other girls Billie. Quite the opposite really." You got up from your spot to leave, but soon after Billie came along following behind you like a puppy. "Playing hard to get huh?" She said, her arms swinging beside her body as she walked alongside you.

"Think you're so criminal with that attitude?" You say, turning to her with a challenging glare. "I'm the bad guy of Graniteville, sweet cheeks." She leaned in closer; the two of you standing in the middle of the hallway now. "I'm so cynical." You leaned in as well; two can play that game. "Then let me take you out Y/N. You're the hottest chick in Graniteville. And I know you like bad guys Y/N, and I'm the only one here." Her voice was husky and low, really working her charm now that she noticed you were playing hard to get. The bell suddenly rang for the end of the day, and the students had filled the halls in a millisecond. You bit your lip seductively, letting Billie eat it all up. "Billie!" A girl called out. You totally forgot her last fling he forgot to break it off with had ran over to the two of you; getting disgusted by your presence already. "Why is she talking to you?" The girl blurted out. You scoffed to yourself, completely ignoring her standing behind Billie. "So you're a tough guy? You like it rough Billie? With your chest always so puffed?" You mocked, wanting to push her buttons. "You think you're the bad guy of the school?" She took a deep inhale as your words bruised her ego a bit. She was getting flustered and you couldn't help but tell yourself on the inside that the reaction was hot as hell.

"You're wrong. I'm the bad type that you can't get. The one to make your momma sad type." You leaned in so close to Billie you could almost kiss her. She took a breathy exhale as she was so caught your on words her eyes kept switching to your lips and your eyes. "To make your girlfriend mad type," You glanced over at her 'girlfriend' and pushed her farther behind Billie. "Even seduce your dad type..." You said so softly, your lips treading on her skin. The hallways soon filtered empty, as the students made their way to the buses outside. "I'm the bad guy." You licked your lips ever so seductively, pulling Billie by her shirt close to your lips; inviting her to kiss you. So distracted by you, Billie was ready to plant his lips onto yours until you suddenly pushed him back by his shirt. "Duh." You said out of nowhere and walked away-letting go of her shirt and leaving her all hot and bothered. "Billie!" His last fling yelled on the floor from when you pushed her. She was so invested in how you made her feel, she smiled to herself -a genuine smile had crept on her face as she followed your steps out the door, totally ignoring and forgetting about the girl on the floor.


Billie slammed you against the bathroom wall, starting to leave marks on the surface of your skin on your neck. Moaning at the pleasure you smiled to yourself. You just bruised her ego again and she wanted to show you that you were wrong. You loved it when Billie took full control. You loved when she owned you, and you let her play that dominant role. "Jump." she quickly and huskily said, and you followed with your legs wrapping around her waist. Her hands making it's way underneath your clothes and her lips attacking your neck still. "You're so hot, Y/N." Billie said between kisses. "What can I say? I'm the bad guy." You laughed as you said it out loud, remembering when you said it the first time to Billie. "Yeah? You're tough?" she asked, and you feel Billie get more aggressive with her hands on you and under your top and skirt. You nodded furiously, taking it all in. "You like it rough?" she leaned you against the wall and you heard her belt unbuckle. Your legs still wrapped around her waist. "You can't get enough?" she huskily said in your ear. You bit your finger desperately, already feeling you turned on by Billie's confidence high; she was getting hotter by the minute. "You're wrong Y/N," she paused, leaving you to question what she was going to say next. "I'm the bad guy." Billie huskily said in a low, dangerous voice. You felt yourself get lined up by Billie holding you up as her hands gripped your thighs and ass to hold you better than the wall. She let out a flirtatious chuckle-seeing you all hot and bothered to the max. "Duh." she repeated your exact words and as she made a surprised gasp leave your mouth as the small of your back hit the wall furiously by Billie's rough forward force.


Walking down the halls of the school, you didn't care about the shocked glances that were geared towards your way. Usually, they were judgemental and angry and even disgusted looks and you walked down the hall giving no shits-but would be the first time you enjoyed the glances. You walked down the hall with a pair of sunglasses that matched Billie's. Her hand was in yours and you wore her jacket covered in her cologne that ended just beneath your butt. People's murmurs and whispers were heard as you and Billie strutted down the hallway not giving any attention to the people around you. "Billie! What about me?" The girl from yesterday was still trying to take her chances with her; although she had betted all her chips in one basket and lost it. "Heather, it's over. Can't you see Y/N is my girlfriend now?" You gave a sarcastic wave at the annoying girl, and she gave you an angry gaze your way. "So you're going to leave her too after another girl comes along huh?" Crossing her arms like she finally dug into Billie's plan. She just nodded and gave Y/N a peck on the cheek. "Not possible." Billie said nonchalantly and kept walking with Y/N. the whole school watched the scene unfold and burst into shocking scenes of gossip around them.

Another long one. If you couldn't tell this is based off of the song 'bad guy'. N e ways make sure to vote if you liked it and comment any requests please.

Bye 👋

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