horseback riding

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“Baby,” Billie calls for me, “You’ve kinda just ditched me... I need help mamas.”

You were currently tacking up two of your horses so yourself and Billie can go for a romantic ride along the coast during the sunset. You had given Billie a few riding lessons already on your old trusty cob, and you finally agreed to let her ride Molly outside. You decided that the beach would be the best place to start. If she fell off then the sand would somewhat cushion her fall! However, you believed in her and knew she was a great rider. Annoyingly enough, she seemed to be a natural born rider. Whereas you had to work hard every day to get to the level of riding you and Bee (your horse!) were currently at. The pair of you definitely have a long way to go before you are competition perfect, but for now, you are happy to do some casual jumping, and the occasional hack into the village. Todays beach hack is very much a nice break in your usually strict riding schedule.

Whilst helping Billie tack up, you had become distracted with making Bee look picture perfect, covering her in a matching LeMieux set.

Halfway through doing your second bandage, Billie calls for your assistance. She was trying to work out the correct position of the saddle, and although you showed her every time before a lesson and even made her do it herself so it can be indented in her memory, she still panics that it is incorrectly placed. Finishing up strapping the bandage, you walk up to Billie whilst slightly shaking your head in mock disappointment.

“Bils, you know you can do it! I tell you every time you ride ‘just behind the shoulder, if you’re unsure, check the ribs!’ i believe in you my love.” She still looks unconvinced, so you jokingly roll your eyes and double check the positioning of the saddle.

“See Bil? Perfect! I told you that you could do it! Would you like some help with the bridle, Love?” She nods her head enthusiastically and passes you the leather contraption. You decide it would probably be best for Molly to wear sound-proof ear covers, just in case of sudden noise. Molly is perfectly safe, but you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your girl.

Once all tack had been secured properly, and double checked, you led Molly over to the mounting block for Billie, and helped her get on. She walked Molly around in a few circles whilst waiting for you to get on Bee. When you had gotten on top of Bee, you realised your stirrups were still on jumping length, so you awkwardly tried to lengthen the stirrups until you didn’t look so crouched! Billie laughed at your attempts of keeping the youngster still, and she eventually leaned over and held her still.

When you were both situated in the saddle, you were ready to take off down the road. You walked double-breasted (next to each other. keeps more nervous riders/horses safe) down the road, towards the beach. Billie had stopped talking and, from previous experience, you knew instantly that the nerves were starting to set in. You had to think fast before her nerves developed into something worse. The best idea came to mind suddenly!

“Billie, sing!” She looked at you like you were crazy, so you urged her on.

“Bils, if you don’t start singing, i will. Do you really want that?” She rolls her eyes, and starts to sing Ocean Eyes. You definitely didn’t expect her to start singing that, but your heart skipped a beat, and you swear you fell more in love with her in that moment.

Once she got to the chorus, you senses went hay wire. You heard a car coming up behind you, but you didn’t hear it slow down. Turning slightly in the saddle, you gesture for the driver to slow down. Hearing Billie stop singing, you know she is starting to panic. So, you decided that you should stop and tell the driver to piss off and pass you both. Once the car had passed, you tell Billie to keep singing, and ride on.

About five minutes later, and you had made it to the beach. And it was beautiful. There was no one there, and the sea was calm.

Deciding to stay in walk for a bit, you changed direction and headed for the edge of the water. The waves rolled over the horses legs, and made calming sounds. You talked with Billie about anything and everything.

“So, when we get into Paris, we are heading straight to the hotel. We can sleep straight away, and then we have two free days until I have to go back into tour focus mode. I was thinking, we could each have our own little day? Maybe you choose what we do on the first day, and I can choose for the second day? Does that sound okay, mamas?” She asks you. She was talking about her tour that starts next week, and seeing as you had just finished school, your mom had given you permission to join your girlfriend for the rest of her tour!

“That sounds perfect Bil! Maybe on my day we can spend the morning in bed, having a sleep-in and some morning cuddles. Then for lunch we could go to a cute cafe, walk around for a bit, and then go to the Eiffel tower in the evening?” You know that is probably the most cliche day in Paris ever, but you love the cheesy cliches!

“Of course thats okay y/n/n. On my day, I’m thinking more Disneyland? A whole day out there, eating the most sugary shit we can find.”

Smiling at the thought of those two days, you fall into a comfortable silence. The sun starts to set, and Billie takes her phone out. She records a boomerang of you riding

The sun was setting quickly, so you decide that trotting home was the best idea. When you reached the road again, Billie goes quiet. So you look her dead in the eye and staring singing the words to All The Good Girls Go To Hell. She starts to laugh, and then takes over.

“Its a good thing you took over Bils,” She raises her eyebrow at you whilst still murmuring the lyrics, “wouldn’t want me stealing your career now, would we?” You both start laughing at your sarcasm, both knowing that Billie is the talent in the relationship.

Within a couple of minutes, you arrived back at your house. Jumping down from the horses, you enter a comfortable silence once again. Untacking the animals, and putting the tack away. When you are inside the tack room, you put the saddles up at the same time, and once they are away, Billie turns to you, smiles, and wraps you in her arms.

“Thank you for that baby,” she kisses your temple, “It was a lovely evening”.

Walking outside, you see that the horses are half asleep, so you take them back to their fields and leave them to rest.

When you get inside your house, you grab a few snacks, go to your room and turn on ‘Coco’ to watch whilst eating. About halfway through the movie Billie notices your eyes fluttering shut, so she turns off all the electrics and brings you to bed, where you both fall into a peaceful sleep.



𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐞 𝐞𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now