~ SIX ~

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Tuesday 30th July 2019

I pull my eyes away from the sight of her stood waving at me, with a block of cheese in the other hand. Forcing myself to move from my spot outside the window, I make my way to the door, opening it but not stepping inside.

"Uhm, hi." I subconsciously bring my hand up to my shoulder, scratching at it lightly. She turned her face towards me, still grating the cheese onto a chopping board.

"Harry, hey! You can come in." I nodded, and made my way inside, closing the door behind me. "Thanks for dropping the ball off, it's very kind of you."

"Uh yeah, tha- that's no problem. Cal  noticed it as we were leaving... And I, uh... I thought I'd chance leaving a message in the video. Good thing you seen it" I let out one of those exhale laughs, trying to be less awkward but not really succeeding. I had made my way over to her kitchen island, still holding the football.

"Oh I'll call Cor down and he can put the football away. Feel free to take a seat." She had finished grating the cheese now, sprinkling it over whatever was in the deep dish and having put the rest of the block back into the fridge. She made her way over to the stairs behind me. Whilst she shouted up for Cormac to come down, I took the time to have a look around. The open plan kitchen and dining area was bright despite being underground, and it was tidy but lived in. I bet she would've left mine and the boys flat straight after seeing the state it was in before I tidied it.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard Cormac running down the stairs. I turned in my chair, just as he reached the bottom step. "Harry!" He stopped in his place once he noticed me sitting here, shock taking over his face.

"Hi mate, you alright?" He nodded his head, and made his way over to the seat next to me, having to use the counter top to help hoist himself up. "I thought it would be good to bring your football back to you, can't have you missing out playing with it in this weather." He let out a squeal and a big smile when I held out the ball to him, jumping at me to give me a hug.

"Thank you! I was looking for this everywhere-" he turned to look at his mum "wasn't I mummy?" I watched as the two of them spoke to each other, it's intriguing as I don't spend time around kids his age.

"You sure we're, spud. Thank you for using good manners, why don't you go put the football away, food will be ready in about ten minutes, okay?" He nodded, took the ball from my hands and ran over to the cupboard under the stairs.

"He's a good kid, he's so enthusiastic isn't he." I smiled over to Sophia, who looked like the proudest woman ever whilst watching Cormac.

"He is, he really is. I mean, it's surprising especially when he watches you lot." She laughed, smirking at me. Oh I see how it is.

"Wha... What! Ay, allow it! I can't believe this" we were both laughing now, Cormac joining me at the island stools again, but confused at why we are laughing.

"Ermm... Would you- don't feel like you need to say yes- would you like to stay for tea? As a thank you for the football... We're having lasagna..." I'm at a loss for words, shocked, is she serious?

"Really?" She nods, a nervous and unsure smile on her face. "Wow, yeah, that would be great, thank you. You don't understand how long it's been since I've had a home cooked meal."

"You don't cook much then?" She was now taking the lasagna out the oven, and putting in a tray of garlic bread. The smell is absolutely incredible. Cormac looks as excited as I feel.

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now