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Thursday 5th September 2019

It was about half six by the time Cormac and I returned home from Pizza hut, so I ushered him upstairs to change out of his uniform.

I got a message from Harry saying that he should be finished with filming around half seven, so he'll call once he's home, so that gives us around an hour to burn before he's available. Cormac came back down the stairs, now dressed in his pyjamas, now looking slightly tired.

"How about we watch some YouTube? Relax on the sofa, yeah?" He nodded his head in response before running and jumping on to the sofa, pulling one of the blankets off the back of it, wrapped himself up like a burrito. I smiled at my child, before doing the same, making him laugh loudly.

"Can we watch Ethan please mum?" I turned the TV on, then turned to face Cor, seeing him pull the puppy dog eyes on me.

"Sure we can, do you want his channel on or sidemen channel?" He opted for the Sidemen channel, so I brought up YouTube, then their channel before passing him the remote so that he could choose which video he wants to watch.

He chose to put in the Sidemen $10,000 Vs $100 holiday that was posted a few months ago, which had racked up millions of views already, which is absolutely crazy to me.

This had become a regular occurrence for the two of us... Watching the Sidemen's videos just never fails to make us laugh. And this video is no different. The look on Ethan's face when his team turned up outside the Easy Hotel is absolutely hilarious.

I had tears in my eyes from laughing near enough the whole way through what we had watched already. We were around twenty minutes into the video when Harry called, and just as I answered all that could be heard is Harry in the video saying...

"What are they- what are they going to do? Kick me out of the Sidemen?"

Cormac and I were laughing at the video whilst all I could hear from Harry's end is a groan and him complaining about hearing himself in the video.

After I had managed to calm myself down, I finally greeted Harry, showing him a very happy smile.

"Hey you, how's your day been?" He was looking relaxed, seeming to be sat in bed already, wearing a light blue hoodie where a small amount of his blonde hair could be seen poking out.

"Evening, not been too bad to be honest with you, thanks for asking. How was being back at work? Also, 
Hi Mac!" Cor scrambled over to my side to show his face on camera, waving to Harry.

"Hi Harry!" And with that he returned to his original spot to continue watching the video on YouTube.

"He's still watching you guys, I'll give him a few minutes before I pass the phone over. Uhm, first day back at work was nice, a little emotional on the actual show, but yeah... It's good to be back. How was filming?"

"I seen that, I was sent quite a few videos in my dm's, of you crying. Although I didn't see them until I got back. How you feeling?"

"People sent you videos of me crying? What!" My brows furrowed in confusion, why would they do that? "Is this a usual thing people do?"

"Well apart from the usual stuff that fans send me, all the soppy shit- fuck- shit- oh my god! Shut up Harry!" I sniggered at his attempt to stop swearing, as he remembered Cor is in the background. Luckily he's too intrigued in the video to be listening to us. "God I've had a stinker!"

"You never fail to crack me up you know, especially when you're not even trying." I was still laughing at his mishap, and eventually he joined in too.

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now