~ Thirty Four ~

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Tuesday 16th December 2019


"My god, I love you..."


~ Now ~

I froze in place, not believing what I just heard come from Sophia's mouth.

Did she...?

Did she just say that she loves me? That's actually what I just heard-

"Shit... Shit! Oh Jesus fucking Christ on a bloody bike. What a disaster. Let's forget I said anything, I'll walk back a bit and we'll pretend like I haven't said anything." I watched as she rapidly turned walking back to where she was standing, looking at the small toy figures that I couldn't quite make out.

I know I have a silly smile on my face as I watched her, the boxes globe still in my arms. She looked at me, cocking her head to the side as if waiting for me to shout her over again. I shook my head as I let out a short chuckle.

"Bloody hell, Phia, have a look at this." In an exaggerated tone I replayed the moment over again, lifting the globe with one hand, using the other the beckon her over. "I'm getting this for Cormac, he's going to love it." She started walking over, a tentative smile on her face. As she got closer I smiled at her, reaching my hand out for her to take, which she did, so I gave it a gentle squeeze.

"What you got there? You look like a kid on Christmas morning!" I laughed, letting go of her hand and pulling her into my side instead.

"My god, I love you too." She jerked back, looking up at me.

"Don't make fun of me, you arsehole. I thought I said to forget that!" Phia's cheeks blushed as she pushed away from me, swatting my stomach in the process.

"I'm never forgetting that, not a chance of it lad. Now, believe what I said, because I'm not repeating that soppy shit. I said what I said, and I meant it..." Sophia's jaw dropped at my words, probably surprised at my serious tone more than anything. "Right, back to the more important topic in hand."

"Uhh... Ok, yeah. What is it you're wanting to get Cor?" I moved the box to be in front of her, watching as she took it from my hands, intrigue on her face. "Oh, this is actually pretty cool, he'd love it. Awww, bubs, you're turning me into a right soppy twat. Stop it."

"Look, it connects to an app, he can learn about new dinosaurs, there's little activities-"

"Do you want one too?" We laughed as she returned the box to my hands. "I think he will love it, especially with it being from you."

The pride I felt from her words was immeasurable, the fact that Cor would love this even more because it was from me, makes me feel more proud than I ever had. I love this feeling.

"You really think so? I don't want to get him something he won't use, you know. He doesn't need to be turning into us lads where we have a bunch of useless shit." We continued walking, looking at what else was around the store, Sophia holding her basket in her right hand, and linking her left around my right arm.

"I know so."


"People are looking at us funny... Do you think it's because of the coats?" Looking down at Sophia, only seeing the top of her head as she was stood directly in front of me, her bright orange coat contrasting against my green one.

"Maybe it's because you usually come here by yourself, you're a big celebrity you know? Miss Loose Women star, and you have a strapping young Don on your arm. They're probably just surprised, they'll stop looking in a minute... Hopefully."

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now