~ Forty Three ~

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Thursday 2nd January 2020

~ Harry's POV ~

Turning over, I reached out for Phia, to be met with a cold, empty space. I opened my eyes and looked around the room, the curtains are still closed, not much light coming through them.

"What the fuck?" My voice came out in a mumbled croak as I sat up slightly, resting on my elbows as I looked towards where Cormac's bed is, seeing him still sound asleep. I slip out of bed, rushing to put a top on, as it's cold with the heating not having come on yet.

If I'm honest, it's been weird sharing my childhood bedroom, not in a bad way. I just didn't have Katie stay around much, I usually stayed at hers, probably because I still only had a single bed at the time. But, now, I get to spend time with all of my family together, introducing them to the person I love, and her son. The two people I want to spend my days with. I get to share my childhood home with them, and that's something big.

I can't help but smile at the thought of Sophia being so comfortable with my family already that she's up and out of bed already. She's somewhere about the house, no doubt my mum and dad are already up too.

Making my way to the lounge, I leave Cormac to sleep, it's been a long couple of days for him, so to avoid him being cranky, we let him sleep. Walking into the kitchen and lounge room, I see my dad watching the news, a mug in hand. But no sign of Phia.

"Alright dad?"

"Mornin. Kettles just been boiled if you're making yourself a tea." I nodded, taking the few steps back into the kitchen area, taking my mug from the draining board and making myself a cup of tea.

"Has Sophia gone out with mum or something?"

"Oh yeah, your mum has taken her and Ro out for breakfast. Something about wanting some proper girl time or some shite like that." We looked at eachother, rolling out eyes, but both happy to see mum have some time with the girls. She's been missing it whilst Rosie has been away at uni.

"Ah okay, well at least I know they're getting along well."

"Well you never had to worry about that son, your mum gets along with everyone. You know what she's like, can't walk down the street without her having a half hour conversation with every Tom, Dick and Harry." I had to laugh at my dad's words, he's not wrong. Not even in the slightest.

"Bloody tell me about it! I don't know how she-" the sound of soft footsteps caught my attention, as they made their way through the hallway and towards us in the lounge. "Oh ello sleep head." Cormac came into view, a blanket wrapped around his small frame.

Without a word he climbed onto the sofa, resting his head against my side as he yawned. I pulled the blanket over him properly, before resting my hand on his head. Looking back at my dad, he was watching the TV again, but with a smile on his face.


"Harry?" Glancing behind me through the mirror, Cormac came into view in the back seat of the car, his young voice sounding much more animated than it did a few hours ago.

"Yes mate?" My eyes returned to the road ahead, as I drove to meet up with my mum, Ro and Phia. My dad and Josh tagging along, so we can all go out and enjoy the day before Rosie travels back to Manchester later tonight.

"Can we go to the beach?"

"The beach? It's a bit cold for that, n-" seeing the excited expression on his face at the thought of going to the beach, I can't say no to the lad. "Well, I suppose we could have a quick visit... Have a quick run around, yeah?"

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now