~ Twenty Nine ~

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Friday 15th November 2019

"Currently on my way to pick Cor up from school, got a long drive ahead of us as we've got to head over to the airport. Cormac doesn't actually know that we're going, so I'm going to keep it a surprise for as long as I can." I had the camera set up on the dash, focused on myself and the back seat of the car where Cormac's booster seat is. Most of the footage in the car will be put into a time lapse for the weekly vlog, but it's always good to be filming just incase any moments happen.

Pulling into a parking space in the school's car park, I turn the engine off, as well as the camera before making my way over to the parents waiting area on the school yard ready for Cor to come out. As always, Cormac's class was the last to come out, six minutes after the class was supposed to.

As soon as his class started to leave the class room, Cor was running in my direction, his coat over his head like a cape, his book bag in one hand and a bunch of paper in the other.

"Mum! Mum! Look what I made!" He was waving the papers in my face, not giving me chance to look at it properly until I held his hands still. There was a few different papers with drawings and paintings on, full of stick figures.

"Oh look at these, they're so good. There's a lot of people on there though, isn't there?" He nodded, an excited giggle escaping him.

"We were painting pictures of family, Mum. So theres you, me and Harry. With pops, auntie Phe, uncle Noah, Oliver..." he pointed to the figures on the pieces of paper, before pulling the next page to the top and pointing at the next lot of stick people. "There's Uncle Cal and Uncle Lux, Uncle Ethan..."

"Wow baby, let me guess, all of Harry's friends are on there?" He nodded, a smile practically from ear to ear on his face. I didn't really know what to say, we've had the talk that they're not actually his aunties and uncles, which he understands but I guess there's no way of having him not call them that. "I think we'll have to take some photo copies of them to give to everyone then, what do you think?"

"Can we?" I nodded before taking his hand and walking to the car with a smile. Harry, the boys and the girls have become such a big part of Cor and I's life already, that it's hard not to find it cute that they love being called auntie's and uncle's.

"We're going on a bit of a drive, got to go pick something up, okay?"

"Okay, can I watch Angry Birds?"

"Of course, let's see if the tablets in the car, if not we'll quickly stop off at home." He nodded, letting go of my hand as we approached the car. Once it was unlocked he got in, getting comfy in the booster seat whilst I had a look for the tablet. "Here we go, I'll plug it in so it doesn't run out of charge." I handed it over to him, before finding the wire and plugging it in.

I made sure that he was belted up before putting his coat into the foot well in front of him. I got into the driver's seat, getting myself situated, turning the camera back on before starting the hour and a half drive to the airport.


"Muuuum, when will he get here? I'm bored!" We were currently at the arrivals gate of Heathrow airport, waiting for Harry and the others to get here. Their flight is due to land at 17:47, so we only have around ten minutes until they arrive. I left the camera in the car, not wanting to push a camera in everyone's faces after a long flight

"In about ten minutes, Cor, not too long now. You excited to see everyone?" He nodded excitedly, jumping in his space. Once we had arrived at the airport and made our way inside he had clocked on that the 'something' I was picking up, is actually a 'someone'.

Over the next ten minutes we spent our time playing 'I Spy', which in hindsight didn't make the time go any faster. Before long the large screen showing the arrivals updated, their flight had landed.

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