~ Twenty Five ~

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Friday 25th October 2019

"But now Harry has girl germs!"

Still stood frozen in my place, looking towards Sophia. I have absolutely no idea what to say about this, and it doesn't help to have two sniggering idiots either side of me. So I did what I do best...

"We- I- uh..." This of course got a proper laugh from not only said idiots, but also from Sophia herself. Which really didn't make me feel any more confident.

"Okay... Well that also means that you also have girl germs Cor, because mummy kisses you on the forehead all the time." Sophia was kneeling on the sofa, her elbows resting on the back of it, looking towards Mac with a raised eyebrow and a comical expression.

"Ewww! Muuum!" He went running towards Sophia, pulling at her arms in a playful manor. I let out a breath, not realising I had been holding it in, Cal pushing my shoulder before dragging me into a head lock, which lead to me pulling out the limited wrestling moves that I know, and pinning him to the ground, Lux pretending to be our referee.

"What the Frick? How'd you do that?" Looking up Mac, Oliver and Sophia were all looking at us, with shocked expressions. Although, Mac and Oliver looked more impressed than Sophia did.

"Well I would say I'd teach you, but from the look on Soph's face, I probably shouldn't." With saying that, she nodded on agreement, chuckling slightly at the pouts on the boys faces.

Getting up from the floor, I pulled cal up, the pair of us slapping eachother on the back, for no apparent reason. Getting back to the task at hand, the Cal's and I managed to hang up the sheets and a few sets of lights. And I must admit it was looking pretty good, cosy even. Sophia then moved the sofa backv, taking the cushions off the sofa and laying them on the floor.

"I think we're going to need to bring a mattress down..." I stood there, staring at the sofa cushions on the floor, knowing that the cushions alone wouldn't be enough room for everyone to sleep on.

"Maybe put some of the cushions back on to the sofa, for two people to sleep on, rest of the cushions on the floor, with a mattress... that should be enough for everyone right?" I looked towards Cal and Lux for some kind of confirmation before turning back to Sophia. She was deep in thought, looking at the area.

"Yeah, I'll bring down my mattress, saves us from having to bring the one from the spare room down two flights of stairs." As she was about to get up from the sofa, Lux offered to help whilst Cal and I keep the boys entertained.

Sophia's POV

Lux offered to help me bring down the mattress from my bed, which gave me the hint that he needed to get something off his chest. Although we haven't spent much time together, when we did we always had some small quiet conversations, which were calming and more heart-felt than I've had with most people. I think it was his time to actually get out what he feels, without feeling like he'll be judged or that it will just turn into jokes.

"Is it weird that you're going to be in my room and touching my bed before Harry has?" He looked at me from over his shoulder, as he walked up the stairs ahead of me, a mischievious look on his face. "Oh, don't bloody say anything, stop those thoughts right now Callum."

"Oh fucking hell, you're such a mum! How'd you know I was going to say something?"

"It was written all over your face you melt!" He stood near the top of the stairs waiting for me to lead the way, I motioned towards the door at the end of the hallway, then pointed towards the other door, letting him know that it was the bathroom.

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