~ Thirty Seven ~

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A/N- literally as I finished writing this chapter, the story has reached 60k reads! 60K! That's absolutely insane, thank you so much everyone for your continued support, especially after the past few months where I have been terrible with sticking to my schedule, it means a lot ❤️❤️

Tuesday 24th December 2019

Christmas Eve ~ Warrington ~ Sophia's dad's house.

Christmas has always been one of my favourite times of the year, the colder weather, dark nights, being able to cosy up at any time of the day without judgement and being with family, enjoying their company and some good food. Lots of good food.

Cormac and Oliver were quite content with playing outside in the garden, my dad having gone out and bought some garden games for them to keep occupied. One of them being Swing Tennis, which was a sure way to leave the pair with bruises. Thanks Dad!

Myself and Phe were making tea, in the form of a butter chicken curry, something I hadn't made for a long time, but was a family favourite nonetheless. The chicken has been marinating for the past few hours in the fridge, and now it was time to actually getting round to cooking. Phe and I had poured ourselves large glasses of wine to enjoy whilst the kitchen commotion commenced. My Dad and Noah were sat in the living room, the fire going and some sort of Christmas film playing on the tv. 

"I'm so glad that Oli and Cor get on so well. Who'd have thought we would have kids a similar age, ay?" 

"Aww, Phe! You've got all mushy in motherhood, you know that?" Her faced dropped in shock at my words, making me laugh aloud in her face.

"Oh you're such a knob Soph..." The pair of us laughed, nudging each other around the kitchen before actually focusing on making the curry. Whilst I started slicing up some onions, I looked through the door way into the livingroom, admiring how well my dad had decorated it with the christmas decs, he's never been this good at decorating... he always left it to me and Phe, only really helping us with the hard to reach places when we were younger. 


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"Hmm?" She looked up from the garlic she was working her way through to face me.

"I think dad may have a lady friend..." She sputtered out a laugh, not quite agreeing with what I said. "No, honestly, I think he might. There's now way that he has decorated the living room that well without help, he useless when it comes to this. Look at it!" She took a few steps towards me, and looked towards the where I was gesturing to.

"I didn't think of that you know... He's finally going out on dates, Soph. God I hope so, he deserves someone to be happy with, especially since we've left him up here by himself now." Guilt started seeping back in as I processed what my sister had said, making me remember when I first moved down to London with Cor, I would call my dad nearly every night crying about whether I have made the wrong decision, feeling guilty for leaving my family, taking Cor away from them and every other moment we could have experienced back home. But, every single time my dad would tell me that I was doing what is best for me and Cormac, it was to better our lives and that he was so proud of me for making that step, especially as a single mum with such a young child. Just having that clarification from my dad, the man that raised Phe and I by himself, without the help of his parents as they still live in Scotland, was enough to keep me going. To which, I am so thankful for, because I absolutely love my life down south now.

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