~ Thirty Nine ~

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Thursday 26th December 2019

Yesterday went by in a blur, after opening all our presents Phe and I got started on cooking the Christmas dinner, whilst the kids and the big kids (My dad and Noah) started building some Lego. The day ended with my dad setting up up the projector in the living room, all of us lounging around on the sofa's, watching Elf. And that was that, it was a fairly quiet and chilled.

Today, however, has started loudly with the boys playing with their new toys, shouting and giggling. I, having just got out the shower and now drying my hair, am ready for a good day of shopping in the town centre. As per Christmas tradition for my family, we are heading out for a couple hours of shopping, where the boys will get to spend their holiday money, well and us big kids too.

With a quick blow of the hair dryer and a change of clothes, I'm ready for the day. Walking down the stairs with a bounce in my step, I entered the living room to be met with absolute chaos. Toys everywhere, centimetres away from stepping on a handful of lego blocks, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The internal voice in my head willing me to look past it, and that today will continue being a good day.

"Right, boys. Time to tidy this mess up, get dressed and get your shoes on." The pair looked up at me with doe eyes, not wanting to leave their game, but with a swift hand gesture for them to move along had them cleaning up their mess. Turning around, I made my way down to the kitchen, where Phe and Noah were stood whispering, only stopping when they heard my foot steps approaching. "Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt." Holding my hands up I started backing up out the kitchen not wanting to intrude.

"No, no, it's ok, you're getting in on this too. Come here." Noah gestured for me to join their huddle, before Phe started whispering again.

"So, Dad isn't home... his car is out front on the drive, but he's not here. Noah did hear him leave the house around six this morning though, so... we think that he's gone to pay his little lady friend a visit." Phe wiggled her eyebrows, mouthing 'bow chica wow wow'.

Maturity level of a pre-teen.

"Oh, well good for him, they've probably got presents to exchange. Speaking of, I have Christmas money to go spend, so go get ready you lazy bastards." I swatted them away, shaking my head at their nosiness as they left the kitchen, grumbling over my words. I then turned towards the kettle to switch it on, a quick cup of tea before we leave is definitely needed.

Within a half hour, the boys had tidied up and were now dressed, as were my sister and Noah. I had washed the dishes after drinking my tea, and now getting myself sorted to leave the house. Cormac is ready to go, but can't stop himself from asking me where his Pops is, and seeing as I'm not totally sure on the actual answer myself, I haven't been able to give him a definitive answer.

"Right, time to go guys, come on." I ushered the kids into the car, Noah making sure they were both buckled in before joining them in the back. Phe jumped into the front passenger seat, sending a message to our dad to let him know we're on our way into town. Buckling myself in, I set off for our day of shopping.


After about an hour of shopping, my Dad finally made his appearance, joining us outside Build-a-Bear. He had a big smile on his face as Cor and Oliver introduced him to their new bears. Phe and I lagging behind as we started walking again, the boys keeping close to Noah and my Dad as they were animatedly talking about something or other.

"So... I have something to tell you, but you can't over react ok? Not a sound, Soph." I quickly side eyed her, not wanting to lose focus of where I was walking.

"I'll try not to, not promises though. What's up?" She moved closer to me, taking my arm in hers.

"I'm late for my period... "

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