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Wednesday 28th August 2019

My dad and Cormac had left fairly early this morning, after a big hearty breakfast to keep them going for the long drive. I, of course, gave Cormac the warnings to be good for my dad, which he just waved off. Boys getting sassy and he's not even a teenager yet.

I spent the morning going over upcoming events with my manager, more so about when I'm back in the  loose women studio and other things of the like. I then, finally, got round to start filming the Q&A video that I asked my viewers to send in questions for.

So here I was, sat at my computer in the office, not too sure where to start. But I know that I can't just sit here, I need to actually get this video filmed. I get myself comfortable, turn the camera on and get started.

"Right... Well this is new isn't it? I'm not too sure how this is going to go, but we'll work through this together, yeah?" I smile tentatively.

"Right well I'll get right to it. Welcome back to my channel, I'm back with a new type of video, well for my channel it is. I'm doing a Q&A!" Subconsciously I did the jazz hands movement when saying 'Q&A'.

"Yesterday I posted on my socials asking for you lovely lot to send in some questions for me to answer, and let me tell you... They came in by the truck loads!" I shift slightly in my seat.

"So I'm just going to delve straight in, and answer as many as I can. Right... User7 asked "is Cormac looking forwards to going back to school?" I think he will be when he comes home from his trip away with my dad... He's been far too excited for that to think about anything else. But I think he'll be excited to see his friends again from school."

"User8, "how did you and Harper meet?" Ooo, that's a good one, if you were a viewer about- oh god, about 3-4 years ago now... Then you will probably remember the first time we met, but I'll obviously answer now as well." I get myself comfortable again, before looking back into the camera.

"So, when I was around 19 years old, I was struggling with the whole single working parent thing. I was worn out, too tired to edit the vlogs, I was emotional all the time because I didn't really have any friends to confide in. I obviously had my dad and my sister, but I didn't want to pile it all on them so I kept it all to myself. Don't do that if you feel the same, reach out to someone, anyone! It will do you the world of good, believe me."

"So with all that, I reached out to Harper, she'd been in the YouTube scene for two years longer than I have and she also has kids... So who better to ask for some advice? I messaged her over Facebook- yeah, it was the big days of Facebook, don't judge- basically just asking how she does it. In her videos she just made it look so easy, I mean, yeah, she did have the girls dad with her then, but she just looked so we'll put together."

"We clicked straight away and met soon after, Cormac, Darcy and Pearl became best friends on day one, honestly they wanted to do everything together."

I answered a few more questions about myself and Cormac before getting to the questions about Harry and I.

"User17, "how did you and Harry become friends?" Ok so this is the subject that most of you are interested in as are Harry's fans. Yeah I've seen you lot in the comments." I gave a sarcastic sly look to the camera before laughing.

"Some of you may be familiar with the 'Sidemen', I wasn't, I knew of them because Cormac watches them, and before anyone says that he shouldn't, I know that, but he enjoys watching the videos, so I let him watch them as his mother. But yeah, as I was saying, I knew of them but hadn't watched any of their videos. Cormac and I bumped into Ethan, Harry and their friend Callum when we went to the park and they were there filming. So that is how I met the three of them."

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