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Tuesday 30th July 2019

I watched as Sophia walked up towards the stairs, I was, admiring the view, as one would say. I lounged back into the corner of the sofa, taking my phone out my shorts pocket, checking it for the first time since I got here. An achievement if I'm being honest. I unlocked it, seeing multiple messages from the flat groupchat.


Boggo where you at?

Ordering Nandos, want your usual?

Everything alright? You're always on your phone so this isn't normal

Answer your phone or I'm coming looking for you.

You said you wouldn't be long, don't make me worry man

Just let us know that you're ok Harry, thought you woulve been gone half an hour

I'm good lads, chill! I'm still at Sophia's, had dinner here, I'll let you know when I'm coming back.

Fuck sake Harry! Thank fuck you're okay

Oooo, get in the my son!

I'm sorry!
Fuck off lad, nothings happened.

I toss my phone to the side of me, just relaxing into the sofa, arguably one of the comfiest sofas I've ever sat on. I wasn't alone for long, just over five minutes in total, beforeI was joined by Sophia once again.

"Sorry about that." She took her original place on the sofa, tucking her legs in beneath her. She looked exhausted, but still so beautiful. I didn't realise I had been staring for so long, probably making a fool out of myself, until she started speaking again. "Do I have something on my face?" She laughed, using he hand to rub the non existent mess off. I couldn't help but let out a laugh, genuinely smiling at her.

"No... No... There's nothing bad on your face, trust me. D- don't take any n-notice of me." Fuck sake, why am I always so fucking awkward?

"Oh, so you don't want my attention then?-" she pursed her lips, turning away from me in a sarcastic manor. "Okay then, I won't look at you" I sat up, an intrigued look on my face. This is flirting right? Surely...

"Woah, woah, woah, I didn't say that! Didn't mean it that way! Who wouldn't want your attention..." Now she had the intrigued look on her face. And my cheeks were burning slightly, most definitely turning pink.

"You clearly!" We were both laughing now, her being slightly louder than mine. I can't remember the last time I had a conversation with any female like this. "Nahh, I'm joking, I don't know you well enough yet to know whether you deserve my attention or not." She did an attempted wink, failing so bad, which put us both into fits of laughter again.

"What was that wink? Was that real?" I could barely get my sentence out through my laughing, which only made us laugh harder. I'm surprised Cormac hadn't come down and told us to be quiet. It took us a couple of minutes to calm down, but we weren't quiet for long.  For the next half hour we sat and got to know eachother a little bit, talking about what we like to do, what our channels mainly consist of and then we got onto the topic of Cormac's dad.

"So I assume Cormac's dad isn't around?" She looked shocked for a second, before composing herself. "I'm sorry, was that too much? You don't have to answer that."

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin