~ Thirty Three ~

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Tuesday 16th December 2019

"You know what... I haven't a clue what to get her... Not a clue." I laughed down the phone, knowing that Harry is most probably running his hand through his hair as he struggled to think of something to get for his sister, Rosie.

"How about I join you with shopping for some presents? I can help you with the stuff you want to get for your mum and Rosie..." The thing with a lot of guys is that they never know what to get their female family members, other than something beauty wise, like bath stuff. So why not help him to buy for his family, plus it gives me an opportunity to doing some last minute christmas shopping for the christmas stocking fillers.

"Would ya? That would actually be perfect. Are you free today, seeing as I leave on Friday, I really need to get this done don't I." I nodded before realising that he can't actually see me, and that were on an actual phone call and not face time.

"I am indeed. Will have to be finished before Cor finishes school though so I'm not late to pick him up."

"Yeah, of course, of course. I'll meet you outside your tube station that you will get off at. Where do you think would be best to shop? Selfridge's?" I took a moment to think, but came to the same conclusion that Selfridge's is probably the best course of action.

"That will probably be best, seeing as there's loads of good shops near to it as well. Best thing to do is to buy to small stuff first so them were not lugging around a load of heavy stuff all day." He let out an impressed 'ahhh' before taking a breath.

"Beauty and brains. Fair play to ya." I laughed, shaking my head at his words whilst I walked towards the stairs.

"Oh shush you. Give me a minute, just need the make sure Cor is ready to leave for school."

"Alright, no worries." I moved the phone away from my face before shouting up the stairs.

"Cormac, come on spud, we need to get going otherwise you'll be late." I waited for a second for his reply, which resulted in heavy foot steps coming down the stairs.

"I'M COMING! OH MY GOD!"  I stood at the bottom on the stairs, hand on my hip with raised eyebrows waiting for him to reach the top of the stairs I was at. When he reached the top, he looked at me, a cheeky smile on his face as he slowly made his way down.

"Excuse me Cormac White, who do you think you're talking to with that tone, especially when Santa is watching." I gave him a pointed luck, just hearing Harry's voice come through the phone saying 'ooooh Nelly, you're having a stinker lad.' I had to stop myself from laughing, knowing that if I did then Cor will speak to me like that more often. Which is something I don't want.

"I'm sorry, I was only joking withs you. Uncle Cal saids it all the time." Oh for fucks, of course it's Cal's fault. Of course!

"Okay, well it's not very nice to talk to me like that, so it's best to be more mindful of that next time, ok sweetie?" He nodded, as he walked down the stairs giving me a hug.

"Yes mum." He let go of my waist, before going over towards the front door, taking his coat off his hook. Whilst he put his coat on, I finished my conversation with Harry.

"Hey, I'm back. Okay, if were going near Selfridge's then I think I'll be getting off at Bond Street."

"Yeah, ok, I think I get off there too, so I'll meet you there. I'll head for a quick shower now, then I'll make a move." I was putting on my coat as he spoke, getting ready to leave the house with Cor.

"Okay, I'm just heading out with Cor now, so I'll get the bus to king Edward's. See you soon."

"See ya later. Say hi to 

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