~ Fifty ~

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1st July 2020

A consistent thumping sound stirs me awake, my eyes squinting in the dark, adjusting, or at least trying to. I reach over to the nightstand, in search for my phone to look at the time. 03:42am. Who the fuck is making this much noise at this time? I sit up a bit, leaning back on my elbow and scratch at my head. Suddenly, the thumping stops and only seconds later is it replaced by Phia's phone vibrating on the other nightstand, the screen lighting up with a call. I lean over to look, only now to realise that She isn't beside me. I grab the phone, answering it without registering who the caller is.

"H-" I clear my throat, as it is still thick and croaky with sleep, but before I can even talk again the person on the otherside speaks up.

"Open the door Phia, quick!" My eyebrows furrow in confusion, and i pull the phone away from my ear, looking at the caller ID, I see that it's Noah. "The babys coming, Phe's in labour! Hurry the fuck up!" I jump out of bed, a jolt of adrenaline running through me and waking me up.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" He puts the phone down, as I throw it onto the bed besides me. I rush down the stairs, not caring about being quiet. As I get to the bottom of the stairs, I grab the keys out of the dish on the small cabinet and quickly open the door. There I see Noah and Oliver, both in their pyjamas, Noah holding a small bag, which he practically throws at me.

"Thank you. We've got t-"

"GO! GO! We've got Oli, don't worry!" He sighs in relief, bending down to give Oliver a kiss on the head before turning towards the street and making his way down the steps and towards his car where Phoebe is sitting in the passenger seat looking exhausted and in pain. "Keep us updated! Good Luck!" I whisper shout to them, not wanting to wake up the whole street. 

Noah throws a thumbs up over his shoulder as he gets into the drivers seat, taking off only seconds later. I look down at Oli, who's near enough falling back asleep standing up. "Right mate, lets get up back to bed, yeah?" He makes his way up the stairs, soft thuds coming from his slippers as he takes each step. I quickly lock the door and place the keys back into the dish, before following behind him to make sure he gets to the spare room ok. 

As we get to the top floor, Oliver heads towards the spare room, whilst I take a quick look into Cormac's room. He's still sound asleep, but no sign of Phia. I head in the direction that Oliver went, placing his bag down next to the wardrobe, help him with the blanket on the bed. He's asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. I head to the window, closing over the curtains and turning on the small lamp in the corner, just so he doesn't get scared if he wakes up and it's still dark. I have a feeling that he will have forgotten he's here by then.

Now to find where Sophia has gotten to. With a quick look in the office room, I can confidently say that she isn't up on this floor. So I make my way downstairs, checking each room as I go until I'm by the front door again. I double check to mkae sure it's locked then turn around. As I'm about to go into the living room, I see the light on in the small toilet at the end of the hallway. So, I make my way towards the door and softly knock.

"Phia?" I don't get a reply, but I open the door anyway. I'm hit with the smell of vomit, which makes my stomach drop with queaziness, but it only lasts a few seconds as my eyes settle on Sophia's sleeping form. Her left arm resting over the toilet seat and her forehead leaning on her forearm. I kneel down in front of her, wiping her hair out of her face. I rest my hand against her forehead, its warm, but thats is just from the summer heat. I gently shake on her shoulder to wake her up.

"Hmm?" She bats my hand away, trying to snuggle into her arm as if it is a pillow.

"Phia... Bub, you need to wake up." She stirs, and pries one of her eyes open, which quickly shuts due to the light. 

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