~ Forty Four ~

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Saturday 4th January 2020

Yesterday went by far too quickly for anyone's liking, it was action packed, yet relaxing. Walking around Guernsey, experiencing the last of the festivities the small island has to offer, whilst spending time with Harry's family. It's definitely been a trip to remember.

Cormac's had the time of his life, running around Harry's childhood home, playing all sorts of games that ended in laughter, some tears and lots of telling off for sounding like a heard of elephants on the stairs. He's spent time with Harry's parents who have spoilt him rotten with love, comfort and praise.

Harry and I even got to spend some time alone, him being able to show me some of his favourite spots around his home town. Going out for dinner by ourselves, a rare occasion for us and then coming home to spend the evening with Cormac and Harry's family.

Before we knew it, night became morning and we were going out for breakfast. Enjoying one last meal together, minus Rosie of course. Josh, Harry's brother, departed after the meal, having to get to football with his friends, so the rest of us spent a couple of hours shopping before having to head back to the house to pick up our luggage.

Going through the airport was a breeze, once again, Harry handled check in then took us to the Bailiwick Bar and Kitchen, so he could get a pint and Cormac some food.

We ended up just ordering a sandwich and wrap platter, that came with crisps too. Harry ended up demolishing half the platter himself, but I'm not going to complain, as it meant no wasted food.

An hour or so later, the time being 17:48, the tannoy sounded, letting us know that our plane is now boarding. And, the holiday blues set in.

There's nothing I love more than spending time with family, so having to leave them always makes me sad. And even though it was Harry's family, they made me feel at home and like Cor and I are truly part of their family. So it hit me like a tonne of bricks.

As we walk towards the gate for our flight, the three of us are silent, Cormac holding Harry's hand as they walk slightly ahead of me. They must be feeling the same. Sad to be going back home. Back to reality.

As we reached the gate, Harry took out the passports and boarding passes again for them to be checked. The woman giving us a bright smile and saying 'hello' to Cormac.

"Are you guys off on holiday?" The woman passed Harry our passports back, whilst waiting for a reply from Cor.

"No... Were going back home." With a sad tone to his voice, he shot the woman the puppy dog eyes. My heart sunk a little at how sad he is to be leaving, but I know it won't be the last time we're here.

"Oh sweetie. Well... I hope you had a great time, and hopefully you'll come back again some time?"

"We definitely will, we have family here, so we'll be back a few times a year at least." I watched Harry talk to the woman, warmth spreading within me at his words. "we have family here." I feel like a teenager again, having that happy giddy feeling.

"That's lovely, well enjoy your flight back home and we hope to see you again soon." With a smile from the three of us and a small wave from Cormac, we made our way to the plane.

Harry moved so that he was walking behind us, his hand on the small of my back as we walked across the tarmac towards the aircraft waiting for everyone to board. I walked a little closer to Harry, enjoying the warmth between us.

"I wish we could have stayed longer... I've really enjoyed this trip." His hand moved to clutch my hip, fitting me snugly to his side as we approached the stairs up to the planes entrance.

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