~ Forty ~

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Tuesday 31st December 2019

The rest of the week went by in a blur, meeting Maureen and Henry the day after boxing day, showing them photos of Cormac, my youtube channel so that they can have some sort of comfort knowing that they can watch the videos back to see Cormac grow up. So even though they did miss all those years, they get to experience those years through the videos, hopefully. The three of us shed tears as we caught up, guilty tears from myself  at first, which was met with nothing but comfort from the couple as they reminded me that I wasn't at fault.

They told me that they had had a conversation with Ben the night before, where they got a heavily altered version of events from what I told them, which painted me in a bad light. This surprisingly didn't bother me as much as I thought it would, but, I guess being an adult, who actually acts their age, does that to you. Thankfully, his parents didn't believe him and told him to cut the shit or he will be out on his arse, again. 

The day ended with a promise of letting them meet Cormac before we leave to go back home, which took place yesterday. It went very well, Maureen went overboard with the picnic she had made for us all, which we had in the conservatory seeing as it is still freezing outside. Cormac loved it even though he didn't have the slightest clue in what was going on. Even though I spoke to him about who we were going to see, and why, he still didn't fully understand. To him he was just following me around whilst I visit someone. He did however connect really well with Henry, the pair having a lengthy conversation about dinosaurs, obviously. However, everything seems too good to be true.

Since meeting Maureen and Henry, Cor hasn't really asked about them, instead asking how long it is until we see Harry again. It does make me feel bad for the pair, but it's not his fault that he's only just meeting them after nearly eight years. He did bring up Harry many times in front of his new found grandparents, which Maureen turned her nose up at a few times, which was the first moment where I thought it would all go a bit rocky. The second moment being when I reminded her that Cormac and I would be leaving on New Years Eve to be back at home with Harry and the rest of the Sidemen crew. She wasn't very happy that I was 'taking him away' when they've only just got to meet them, and why couldn't Cor and I just move back up to Warrington but Henry quickly stepped in before she could go down the rabbit hole with that one. 

"They have a lift down there darling, little man is in school, she has a whole work life, social life and what not. Sophia had to do what was best for the both of them, and that meant getting away from Warrington. We can't blame her for that." Thank god for Henry, because I didn't want to cause a scene, as what I would have said wouldn't have gone down as well as that.But, I can definitely say that the alarm bells are ringing, and I will be aware of her from this point onwards, because I just have a big feeling that somewhere down the road she's going to cause me some problems.


Our last two days up north were relaxing , we spent time as a family building lego, going on walks, watching plenty of tv and films and of course, celebrating Phe's pregnancy. Although, the boys still don't know yet, Noah and Phe want to wait until they are definitly in the clear until they tell the boys, to save them from the heartbreak if it doesn't work out. My dad was absolutely over the moon when he found out, exclaiming that being a Pop's is the best job in the world.

It was an eventful christmas break, even though I didn't vlog it, which was the first christmas that I hadn't filmed since I had started my youtube career. Although, it was probably best that I hadn't vlogged anything as I was an emotional mess for most of it, crying on the phone to Harry most nights about the Maureen and Henry situation, all of us crying happy tears for Phe and Noah, and crying christmas night at the thought of Harry taking Cormac shopping so he could buy me a christmas present. I, never in my wildest dreams, would have thought he would do that for the pair of us. Then there is also right now, where Cormac and I were getting ready to set off back home, my first New Years away from my family... but, we're getting to spend it with our second family, which will be and extremely new experience for the both of us.

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