~ Thirty Five ~

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Wednesday 17th December 2019

I'm leaving in five, you're still at Soph's right?

I am lad, got space in the car for bags? Got some presents for the family that I've got to take home with me.

Yeah, depending on the size of them, shouldn't see a problem.

I put my phone down besides me, not wanting to move from my spot on the sofa, where I'm cuddled into Sophia. We had been woken up a couple of times through the night with Cormac being sick, the poor Don not doing much better this morning either. Sophia having no option but to keep him off school for the day, which he's not happy about.

"Josh will be leaving in a few minutes, you sure you don't want me to stay?" I had already asked her multiple times in the last hour if she wanted me to stay, but her reply was always the same.

"Nope, you've got work to do. You don't want any more bad cards than you already have, alright." She looked up at me from where she was lay against my chest, Cormac lay against her, using Soph's thigh as his pillow as he was snoozing away.

"This is how my day will be. We're going to be watching films all day, which will be boring compared to filming, I guarantee it. Thank you for offering though, it's very sweet of you." She picked my hand up, binding her fingers with mind as she gave a gentle squeeze.

"I know, I know. But if you need anything don't hesitate to call okay? I mean it." 

"Yes, I will message or call you if I need anything, I promise."


~Sophia's POV~

Cormac is on his second nap of the day, still not doing very well as he's been sick a few more times since Harry left a couple of hours ago. I can't lie, it would have been nice to have him here for some kind of moral support, dealing with a sick child by yourself is absolutely draining. But, he has his life outside of our relationship, and I don't want to be seen as the woman who forces him into this step dad narrative, especially when our relationship is still so new.

Cormac and I are now in my bed, being closer to the bathroom is definitely better, I came to realise that after having to spend some time cleaning the living room rug... Yeah, it wasn't pretty. Cor has managed to eat some toast, and I've basically been forcing him to drink water to make sure he stays hydrated.

With Cor asleep besides me, I was getting some emails done with Youtube playing on the TV, most of them being about the Student Accommodation flats and how they are almost ready for the residents to move in to come January. About 85-90% of the flats are now fully booked up, and I couldn't be happier about that side of business. 

However, I could be happier with the sudden changes to my schedule for tomorrow concerning filming for Loose Women. Having already agreed with my sister Phe that she will have Cormac for me during the day tomorrow, as he still can't go to school until twenty four hours after he was last sick, but she can only have him until she has to go pick up Oliver from school. That way there is less risk of him getting sick and having to miss school too. But, this is where it gets slightly more stressful, the schedule for tomorrows filming has been extended to allow for pre-filming for between Christmas and New Years, so I now have to find someone else to have Cormac for the few extra hours that I will be at the studio for.

Harper is out of the question as she's too far out for it to be worth while, I can't ask Stacey as she will be there with me tomorrow, I can't take him with me because that's just not fair on him. I guess I could ask Freya or Talia? 

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