~ Thirty Six a ~

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A/N ~ Just want to thank everyone for their patience with this chapter, it wasn't supposed to take this long to come out, but this time life got in the way. I've had a rough past week, but writing this chapter has helped keep my mind off of it. Hope everyone elses week has been better than mine and that you have an even better weekend. Much love <3

Thursday 18th December 2019

"Cor sweetie, it's time to wake up."

"Noooo, I don't want tooooo"

"I know baby, but Harry will be here soon to pick you up. So I'll give you five more minutes but then I want you up okay?" He nodded, his curls bouncing about everywhere before I stood from his bed and sorted through his clothes to pick out an outfit.

I pulled out some black joggers, a blue top with some graffiti design on it, boxers, socks and a black hoodie, placing them at the bottom of his bed before picking out another outfit incase he's sick again. Hopefully he won't be, seeing as he had a good night without waking up. The second outfit being shorts and top and a jumper.

Time for the second attempt at waking him up.


After Cormac falling back asleep a further two times, he was finally awake and sat on the sofa waiting for Harry to arrive. Harry hadn't long left his house, calling me as he was running down the stairs blurring his words together saying that he's on his way, obviously only having just woken up.

With Cormac feeling a bit better than he was yesterday, he was quite excited to be spending the day with Harry and the boys without me. He is ready to immerse himself into the group, their filming and just being 'one of the boys'.

"When is Harry here? He's taking so long!"

"I know you're excited sweetheart, but the traffic at this time is a nightmare, especially along his route. He'll be here soon, okay?" Instead of a dignified response from Cormac, he groaned aloud whilst flopping back against the sofa.

We spent the next ten minutes watching SortedFood on the TV, totally engrossed in it that we didn't hear Harry pull up or knock on the door. It wasn't until he started calling my mobile that I realised he was trying to get our attention.


"Open the door will ya, I'm freezing my tits off our here." He hung up almost straight away, earning a chuckle from me whilst I got up to open the door.

He quickly slipped in before pushing the door closed, shivering even though he's wearing a big fluffy hoodie under his green coat. So god only knows how cold I'm going to be today, thinking to myself that I should definitely wear some thermals to keep me going.

"Morning bub," he placed a gentle kiss against my lips, leaving a subtle minty taste, so I know he'd brushed his teeth just before leaving. "How was he last night?"

"Hey you, good morning to you too. Uhmm, Cor slept through, hasn't been sick since before he went to bed last night, so hopefully the worst is over and today is for him to get back to being one hundred percent." He nodded, thinking for a moment before pulling me back for another short kiss.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to this..." He weaved his hands around my waist, an instant warmth enveloping me as he did so. "I don't think I'll get used to being such a soppy twat either." Snorting out a laugh, I rested my head against his chest.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't think I'll ever get used to it either." I smiled up at him, already seeing that he was smiling down at me. "How did I get so lucky?"

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